ISLE Conference Archives


1958:: Volume 1 Issue 1-2

Wage and Employment Policy of Trade Union in a Developing Economy, 
Banerjee P C

Housing the Industrial Worker in India,
Saxena S P

Disguised Unemployment or Underemployment ?
Singh V B

Wage Policy and Economic Planning in India, 
Srivastava H G P

The Problem of Disparity in Wage , Incomes
Upadhyaya P K

Labour in Sugar Industry in Uttar Pradesh,Vishwen 
Mohan Singh

Industrial Relations and a Socialist Pattern of Society
Raju K S S

Industrial Relations in India
Rastogi T N

The Changing Philosophy of Industrial Relations
Baljit Singh

The Place of Personnel Management in Industrial Relations
Thomas Philip

Premises Underlying the Trade Union and Disputes Legislation
Gerstien D M

Trade Unionism : A Gandhian View, Mathur J S, 95 Recent Trends in Collective Bargaining at the Level of Undertaking in India
Tiwari S G,

Trade Unions in the United Kingdom
Turner W

The Development of Trade Union Movement in Bombay State
Rairikar B R

Structure of Indian Trade Unions
Rao A V R

Rural Unemployment and Underemployment in India
Bhagoliwal T N

Wage Policy for Agricultural Labour in India
Gupta Subrata

Problems of Agricultural Labour
Jena D D

Growth of Agricultural Labour with Special Reference to UP
Joshi V R

Agricultural Labour : Problems and Programmes
Majumdar N A

Child Labour in Agriculture
Misra S D

Rural Labourers in India
Problems of Agricultural Labour in Gorakhpur
Tiwari S G, Srivastava C S

Employment of Women in Western UP
Vaish P B L

Labour Economics in Agriculture
Wahi S M

Labour Surveys : A Brief of Review
Agnihotri Vidyadhar

Aspects of Teachings and Research
Bahadur Satish

Social Work Research in the Field of Labour
Hasan S Z

Trade Unions and the Universities
Punekar S D

1958:: Volume 1 Issue 3

Two Modern Theories of Wages
Dobb M H

Economic Effects of the Lay - Off and Retrenchment Compensation Laws
Bose Arun

Bargaining Power of Trade Unions
Desai B C

Level of Living of the Indian Worker
Chaturvedi H K

Machinery for Industrial Relations in India
Dhyani S N

Wage Fixation by Industrial Awards
Lothe A N


1959:: Volume 2 Issue 1

Wage Policy in a Socialist Society in the Making
Gyan Chand

Workers Participation in Management
Subramaniam K

Mahalanobis P C

Some Aspects of Industrial Relations
Richardson J Henny

Money Wage - Cost and Prices Relationship in Developing Economy
Banerjee P C

Coordination Between Wage Policy and Economic Development
Singh R R

1959:: Volume 2 Issue 2-3

Worker Participation in Management : The Problem
Mukerjee Radhakamal

Worker Participation in Management : Australia
Ross Lloyd

Worker Participation in Management : Canada
Jamieson Stuart M

Worker Participation in Management : France
Adhikari Kamini

Worker Participation in Management : Great Britain
Chester T E, Gordon Forsythe

Worker Participation in Management : India
Subramanian K N

Worker Participation in Management : Poland
Balcerak J, Gilejko L

Worker Participation in Management : The Soviet Union
Worker Participation in Management : The USA
Burgess David S

Worker Participation in Management : West Germany

Worker Participation in Management in

1959:: Volume 2 Issue 4

Principles of Wage Policy for Industrial Workers in India
Agarwal D N

Skill Differentials and Wage Policy
Gupta Ajit Das

Capacity to Pay
JSingh V B

Aspects of a Wage Policy for India
Sinha G F

Wage Policy and Planned Economic Development in India
Shinrodhkar S L P

Economic Planning and Wage Policy
Upadhyaya P K

Workers Participation in Management : Its Meaning , Purposes and Forms
Ghosh Subratesh

Workers Participation in ManagementJena D D
Rationale of Workers Participation in Management
Malhotra T R

Approaches to Workers Participation in Management
Thomas Philip

Labour Participation in Management
Rao A V Raman

Some Remarks on Workers Self - Government in Poland
Sachs Ignacy

Workers Participation in Management
Tewari S G

The Extent of Unemployment in India
Punekar S D

Problems of the Employment Policy in People s Poland
Raikiewicz Antoni

An Approach to the Measurement of Unemployment in India
Tewari S G


1960:: Volume 3 Issue 1

Labour Problems in a Mixed Economy
Mahalanobis P C

Full Employment in a Developing Economy
Lokanathan P S

The Employment Policy in the

Share of Wages in National Income
Shrimali P D

Psycho - Social Causation of Industrial Accidents
Kant Kamala

1959:: Volume 3 Issue 2

Unemployment in Underdeveloped Countries
Kalecki M

Age at Entry into Labour Force
Gnanasekaran K S

Some Aspects of Rationalisation
Suri G K

The Concept of Disguised Unemployment Reconsidered
Bahadur Priyendra

The Wages in the Indian Cotton Textile Industry
Shrimali P D

Wages and Employment of Unskilled Workers in UP
Atar Singh

The Universities and Executive Development
Kaushal Om P


1960:: Volume 3 Issue 3

Labour Problems in a Mixed Economy
Mahalanobis P C

Full Employment in a Developing Economy
Lokanathan P S

The Employment Policy in the

Share of Wages in National Income
Shrimali P D

Psycho - Social Causation of Industrial Accidents
Kant Kamala

1960:: Volume 3 Issue 4

Full Employment and Low Full Employment in a Developing Economy
Banerjee P C

Full Employment in a Developing Economy
Mani N S

Full Employment in a Developing Economy
Pandit D P

Employment Policy under the First Two Five Year Plans
Thomas Philip

Principles of Wage Policy in the Third Five Year Plan
Agrawal D N

Voluntary Private Arbitration in the USA
Berkowitz Monroe

Rationale of Modernisation in Indian Industry
Chatterjee Pareshnath

Labour and the Third Five Year Plan
Punekar S D



1961:: Volume 4 Issue 1

Productivity and Wages in the Soviet Union
Ignatov I, Seleznev I

Some Aspects of Labour Productivity in the Context of Industrialisation of Underdeveloped Countries
Sarkar S B

Indian Trade Union Laws and Industrial Relations
Dhyani S N

Reflections on the Second Pay Commission Report
Naidu Y Ramaswamy

1961:: Volume 4 Issue 2

Socio - Economic Features of the Remuneration Per Complex Output
Splljak Mika

Role of the Federal Government in the American Social Security Policy
Hasan Saiyid Zafar

Occupational Pattern and Dispersing of Earnings in Sholapur
Pethe V P

Control of Industrial Absenteeism
Sinha Durganand

A Critique on Productivity
Chatterjee Pareshnath



1961:: Volume 4 Issue 3

Priorities in Labour Research
Datar B N

Indian Labour Research : Prospects and Problems
Coleman J R

Note on Labour Research in India
Revri C L

On Experimental Design in Industrial Psychology
Ganguli H C

Case Studies in Industrial Relations : A Working Paper on Methodology
Case Research and Case Use in Industrial Relations
Towe Andrew R

Methodological Indications Arising Out of Some Investigations in Labour Economics
Mukerji K

Studying the Labour Market in Agriculture : Some Methodological Issues
Chatterjee Boudhayan

A Report on Research Activities of the TISCO
Daboo J


1961:: Volume 4 Issue 4

Wages in Coal Mining
Malhotra T R

Towards a Theory of Wage Structure
Mukerji K

Wage Structure Studies and Indian Industrial Wage - Statistics
Murthy Sreeranga S

Production Function of Indian Sugar Industry - A Preliminary Note
Banerjee Paritosh

Labour Unions and Productivity : Some Notes on American Experience
Coleman John R

The Problem of Sharing in the Gains of Higher Productivity
Gaur A P

This Thing Called Productivity
Majumdar Paresh

Labour Productivity in India
1900 - 1950, Mukerji V

Labour Productivity in India
Punekar S D

Labour Emulation and Labour Productivity
Reddy V V

Aspects of Labour Productivity
Singh A D

The Concept of Economic Incentive and Labour Productivity with Special Reference to India
Suri G K

Some Problems of Research in Labour Economics
Singh V B

Analysis of Strikes
Sundram V Shanmuga


1962:: Volume 5 Issue 1

Industrial Democracy
Gyan Chand

Conditions of Workers in Underdeveloped Countries
Kuczynski Jurgen

Economic Outlook for Our Children
Patel Surendra J

Trade Union Movement in Indian Railways : A Survey
Mast Mahesh Kumar

On the Concept of Productivity
Mukerji Girija Prasad

Saving in India
Khan N A

1962:: Volume 5 Issue 2-3

Inter - Disciplinary Perspective of Labour Economics
Baljit Singh

The Nature and Scope of Labour Economics
Sinha G P

The Nature of Labour Economics
Seth K G

Some Further Issues in Labour Economics
Singh V B

Psychological Approach to Economic Problems
Ganguli H C

Socio - Psychological Aspects of Labour Management
Daboo J D

Sociological Elements in Industrial Relations in a Developing Economy
Adhikari Kamini

Legal Elements in Labour Economics
Aggarawal Arun P

Impact of Labour Laws on Trade Union Movement

Individual and Collective Disputes

Problems of Quantitative Measurement in Labour Economics
Tiwari S G

Some Aspects of the Problems of Quantitative Analysis in Labour Economics
Singh A D

Labour - Management co - Operation
Munshi M C

Inter - Disciplinary Approach As Applied to a Research Project at the UNESCO Research Centre
Calcutta, Vakil C N

Labour Economics and Schools of Social Work
Punekar S D

Teaching of Labour Economics in Universities
Srivastava H G P

1962:: Volume 5 Issue 4

The Scope and Method of Labours Economics : Some Observations
Majumdar K K

Plea for an Inter - Disciplinary Approach in Labour Economics
Mukerji K

A Quantitative Model in Labour Economics
Mukerji V

The Scope of American Labour Economics
Rezler Julius

Some Issues in Labour Economics
Singh V B

Industrial Housing by Employers : A Relic of Feudalism
Banerji P C

An Ergonomic Approach to Employment of Labour with Special Reference to Women Workers
Sundram S V

Public Assistance in India
Hasan S Zafar

Old Age Security with Special Reference to India
Suri G K

Some Aspects of Rural Underemployment
Bahadur Priyendra

Reduction of Rural Underemployment to India
Chatterjee Pareshnath

Rural Underemployment
Khan Mohd Shabbir


1963:: Volume 6 Issue 1-2

The Raison D etre of Bonus Payments in India
Munshi M C

Nature and Scope of Bonus
Mukerjee Radhakamal

Nature and Scope of Bonus
Singh V B

Labour s Approach to Bonus
Chari A S R

Bonus - Full Bench Formula and the Supreme Court
Aggarwal Arjun P

Payment of Bonus in the Context of Economic Development
Mukerji K

Bonus in the Public Sector
Datar B N

An Approach to the Bonus Question
Das N

Some Aspects of Profit - Sharing in Industries in USA
Punekar S D

Profit Sharing in the United States
Sandman Leonard

Bonus Problems in Pakistan
Husain Tabarak

A Functional Approach to Bonus
Baljit Singh

Basis of Computing Profit - Sharing Bonus
Singh A D

Bonus Disputes in the Textile Mill Industry of Ahmedabad
Majumdar Paresh

Worker s Views on Bonus
Majumdar Paresh

1963:: Volume 6 Issue 3

A Note on the Choice of Technique to Maximize Employment
Bose Arun

Unemployment in Underdeveloped Countries : Definitions and Conceptual Issues
Bhardwaj Ramesh C

Productive and Unproductive Labour
Papola T S

Rural Employment and the Third Five Year Plan
Hasan Najmul

Principles Wages of Fixation under the Minimum Wages Act , 1948
Murthy S A N

Motivation in Industry
Prasad Kali

Joint Consultation in Works Committees
Venkiah G Rajeevalochan

Agencies for Industrial Relations Research in India
Mathur A S

1963:: Volume 6 Issue 4

The Role of the Labour Economist
Vakil C N

Urban Unemployment
Bahadur Priyendra

Employment Objectives in Economic Development
Banerji P C

Planning , Full Employment and Population Growth in India
Garge B N

Planning and Employment in India
Gupta Subrata

Planning and Employment
Khan M S

The Improvement Component in Wages and its Impact on the Distribution of Income
Mukerji V

Planning and Employment in Kerala
Panikar P G K

Some Aspects of the Employment Situation
Roy Bina

Labour Utilization for Planned Economic Development in India
Sinha J N

Social Effects of Industrialisation
Balasubramanian M

Social Effects of Industrialisation
Dholakia J L

Social Effects of Industrialisation
Malhotra P C

Social Effects of Industrialisation - Urbanization
Padmanabhan C B

Gandhian Approach to Labour Problems
Ghosh D

Gandhian Approach to Labour Problems
Punekar S D

Gandhian Approach to Industrial Relations
Reddy G Raghava

Gandhian Approach to Labour Problems
Sabapathy T

Mahatma Gandhi on Labour : An Interpretation
Singh V B


1964:: Volume 7 Issue 1-2

Education and Employment in the Newly Developing Economics
Harbison Fredrick, Myers Charles A

Some Unemployment Problems in the United Arab Republic
Khallaf Hussein

Unemployment in Economically Underdeveloped Countries
Kondratiev V A

Problems of Employment in Developing Countries
Malkhassian Edward

Structural Changes in International Division of Labour and their Influence on Employment
Maresh Zdenek

Employment and Investment Policy in the Early Stages of Economic Growth : Polish Experience
Minc B

The Impact of Rapid Economic Growth on the Employment Structure in Japan
Shirai Taishiro

Industrialization and Employment
Svejnar Zdenek

Migrant - Labour Systems in Black Africa
Szentes Thomas

Planning , Markets and Unemployment
Zoeteweij H

Technology , Employment and Economic Growth
Correa Hector

1964:: Volume 7 Issue 3

Impact of Foodgrains Price Behaviour on the Wage - Price Relationships in the Indian Economy , 1950 - 61
Krishnan T N

Wage - Price Relationships in the Indian Industries
Nair P R Gopinathan

On the Concept of Wages
Papola T S

Wages and Cost of Living of Jute and Sugar Workers in India , 1950 - 1958
Roy Bina

Wage Price Relations
Singh T P

The Reserves and their Utilisation under ESI Scheme
Jagannadham V, Sarma K S R N

Impact of ESIS on the Medical Expenditures of Employees : A Case Study
Khot S M, Shivaswami M K

Economics of Social Security
Lalwani K C

The Economics of Social Security
Parida B C

A Note on Old Age Assistance in India
Sarma K S R N

Working of the Employees State Insurance Scheme in up : A Case Study
Singh D P N

Role of Trade Unions in Mixed Economy in India
Chawda V K

Role of Trade Unions in Socialist Economies
Ghosh Subratesh

The Role of Trade Unions in the U.S.S.R
Khan Mohd Shabbir

Role of Trade Unions in Socialist and Mixed Economies with Special Reference to India
Mehrotra S N

Functions of Trade Unions in a Planned Economy
Singh V B

The Role of Trade Unions in Mixed and Socialist Economies
Sinha G P

Role of Trade Unions in a Socialistic Economy
Sinharay Manoranjan

1964:: Volume 7 Issue 4

The Role of Labour in Democratic Socialism
Mukherjee Radhakamal

Share of Wages in National Income
Khan Mohd Shabbir

Share of Wage in Agricultural Income in India
Panikar P G K

Regional Wage Differentials
Rao S K

A Study of Certain Aspects of the Share of Wages and Salaries in National Income
Roy Bina

Principal for Determining Share of Wages in National Income
Singh V B

Productivity in Export Industries and Terms of Trade
Khan Kishwar Shabbir

Productivity in Export Industries
Ramchandran V

A Study of Productivity in Export Industries : Sugar in UP
Singh D P N

Role of Labour in National Defence
Adhoni M A

The Role of Labour in Natural Defence
Ghosh D

Role of Labour in National Defence
Punekar S D

Role of Labour in National Defence
Rao T G M


1965:: Volume 8 Issue 1

Role of Industrial Labour in a Socialist Economy
Rao V K R V

A Review of Research and Literature on Wages in India
Seal K C

Researchable Problems in Wages , Prices and Incomes Policies
Natrajan S, Datar B N

Working Class Consumer Price Index Numbers
Note on the System of Linking Dearness Allowance to the Consumer Price Index Number
Workers Education in India
Reddy V V

On Sharing Gains of Productivity
Seal K C

1965:: Volume 8 Issue 2-3

Role of Incentives in Soviet Industrial Productivity
Vijh A P

The Development of Labour Remuneration and Money Payments in the Hungarian co - Operative Farms
Csizmadia Magda

Mobilization of Disguisedly Unemployed in Agricultural Sector
Agarwal R D

Workers Attitude Towards their Jobs
Saxena K N

Division of Labour in Cotton Mill
Verma S K

The Length of Strikes in Madras
Sridharan K

Labour Conditions in Upper Doab Sugar Mills Limited , Shamli - Muzaffarnagar
Jain Anand Prasad


1966:: Volume 9 Issue 1

Dynamics of Labour Movement
Mehta Ashok

Indian Labour Movement : Growth and Character
Pandey S M

Population Growth and Economic Development
Ghoshal M K, Datar B N

Industrialization and Manpower Problems of Developing Countries : The Hungarian Experience
Szentes Thomas

Sharing Gains of Productivity
Mehta F H

Note on Payment by Result
Gupta M L

Trade Union Recognition in the United States
Millen Bruce H

Patterns of Trade Union Recognition in Sweden
Bolin Bertil

Recognition of Trade Unions in India
Mehrotra B N

1966:: Volume 9 Issue 1

 The Labour Command Theory of Wage - Differentials
Swamy M R Kumara

Wage - Share Constancy Hypothesis : The Indian Experience
Pandey S M, Bhardwaj V P

The Constancy of Labour Share : The Indian Experience - 1947 - 58
Gujarati Damodar

Salary Structure of Government Employees in Uttar Pradesh
Papola T S

Industrial Wages
Banerji S

Levels of Living of Industrial Workers : Regional Variation
Sharma J N, Guha B P

A Study of Managerial Promotions in a Large Engineering Undertaking
Mukerjee N

Personnel Administration and Industrial Democracy in a Growing State Enterprise
Jain Bimal

Practicability of Unemployment Insurance in India
Badhawar M, Shukla B N

The Traditional Social Structure and Obstacles to Population Stabilization Policies
Joshi Purushottam

Twenty Years of Labour Bureau
The Role of Workers Education in Economic Development
Roy M R

The Role of Workers Education in Economic Development
Hindalkar M

The Role of Workers Education in Economic Development
Narayanan C

The Role of Workers Education in Economic Development
Paul Shiromani

1966:: Volume 9 Issue 4

Some Aspects of the Union As a Wage Fixing Agency
Nair K Ramachandran

Principles Adopted by Wage Boards in the Determination of Wages in India
Sinha G P, Sinha R N

Methods of Wage Determination
Sinharay Manoranjan

Institutional Background to Wage Determination in India
Srikantiah S

Wage Determination in the Rural Sector
Thakur Suraj Nath

Some Observations on Working Class Consumer Price Index
Agarwal N C

Some Observations on Working Class Consumer Price Index Numbers in India
Bharadwaj V P

Consumer Price Indices and Level of Living for Cultivators in Uttar Pradesh
Kacker R K

Consumer Price Index : A Note
Papola T S

Consumer Price Index Numbers : A Comparative Study
Roy Bina

Report of the Discussion of Role of Workers Education in Economic Development
Punekar S D

The Role of Workers Education in Economic Development
Bhagoliwal T N

Workers Education and Economic Development
Ghosh Subratesh

Workers Education in Madhya Pradesh : An Appraisal
Goil R M

The Role of Workers Education in Economic Development
Gupta J P

The Role of Workers Education in Economic Development
Lalwani K C

The Role of Workers Education in Economic Development
Mehrotra S N

The Role of Workers Education in Economic Development
Padmanabhan C B

Crucial Bottleneck in the Progress of Workers Education in Development Countries
Parida B C

Role of Workers Education in Economic Development of Underdevelopment Countries
Patnaik R C

Role of Workers Education in Economic Development - I
Prasad Sharda

Role of Workers Education in Economic Development - II
Rao T J M

Workers Education
Singh V P

Workers Education in India
Srivastava S N



1967:: Volume 10 Issue 1-2

Problems of Wage Policy
Pandey R S

Labour Force and Indian Economic Development
Banerjee S

Productivity and Earnings in Indian Manufacturing Industries 1946 - 58,
Chatterjee Anil K

Changing Pattern of Level of Living of Industrial Workers,Sharma J N
Guha B P

Cost Estimate of Survivors Assistance in Employees State Insurance Scheme
Sarma K S R N

Personnel Administration and Organisation Behaviour in a State Enterprise : A Case Study in Sindri Fertiliser Plant
Jain Bimal

Joint Consultation in TATA Steel
Billimoria R P

An Exploratory Study of Workers Participation in Management
Kane A R, Singh P N

Role of Trade Union Leadership - A Case Study
Tripathi S D

The Impact of Pl 480 Wheat on Nutrition and Productivity in India
Srivastava U K

Consolidation of Holdings and Employment - A Field Study
Agarwal S K

Relative Prices and Industrialization
Rohatgi Rekha K

Wage Situation in Underdeveloped Countries : Some Hypotheses
Papola T S

1967:: Volume 10 Issue 3

Wage Rate Determination in Overpopulated Underdeveloped Rural Areas
Bottomley Anthony

Money Wage and Employment in a Labour - Surplus Economy : Indian Experience , 1951 - 1958
Gujarati Damodar

The Regional Problem of Unemployment
Tandon B B

Worker - Participation Rates in Kerala
Panikar P G K

Scanlon Plan : A Plea for its Experiment in India
Mukherjee O M

Study of Wage Incentive Plans in Two Engineering Factories
Suri G K, Joshi J R

1967:: Volume 10 Issue 4

Productivity Gains and Distributive Shares : A Study of the Indian Cotton Textile Industry 1946 - 61
Bharadwaj V P, Papola T S

Labour and Capital Inputs and Workers Share in the Sugar Industry in India , 1951 - 1961
Goil R M

Sharing Gains of Productivity
Mehrotra S N

Note on the Principles of Sharing Gains of Productivity : With Reference to Bonus
Singh D P N

Aspects of Manpower Utilisation - A Field Study
Agarwal Santosh Kumar

Utilisation of Idle Rural Manpower in Selected Countries - Organisation and Planning
Bahadur Priyendra

Some Aspects of Labour Force and Economic Development in India
Chawda V K

Labour Force and Economic Development
Dholakia J L

Estimating Demand for Technical and Specialized Labour
Mathur R S

The Role of Labour in the Post Independence Growth of the Indian Economy
Mukerjee M, Roy Bina

Labour Force and Economic Development
Rao T J M

Surplus Manpower in Agriculture in Eastern Uttar Pradesh
Singh Ashok K

Labour Force and Economic Development with Reference to Industrial Labour in Selected Groups
Singh D P N,

Labour Force and Economic Development
Singh T P

Report of Discussions on Labour Force and Economic Development
Sinha J N

Dynamics of Railway Labour Movement : A Case Study
Mast M K

Conflict in Government Employment Relations : A Case Study
Pandey S M

Outsiders in the Labour Unions in Bihar
Singh R C


1968:: Volume 11 Issue 3-4

Reorientation of Employment Policy
Agarwal S P, Rao M S Prakash

The Bargaining Unit
Rao T J K

Collective Bargaining and Time Standards in a Wage Incentive Scheme
Suri G K

Fifty Years of Trade Union Movement in the Coal Industry in India
Akhauri R K

Trade Unionism Among White Collar Workers in India
Goyal R C

Trade - Unionism in India in the Post - Independence Period
Mitra A K

A Study of Trade Unions in Bihar
Shukla B N

The Growth of the Trade Union Movement in Uttar Pradesh , 1918 - 1968
Shukla H N

Employment Policy and Economic Growth
Banerjee S

Trade Unionism After Independence
Singh D P N

Trade Unionism in the Rural Sector
Thakur S N

Disguised Unemployment
Dikshit S P

The Implications of an Employment Policy for the Disguised Unemployed
Parida B C

Employment Policy in a Developing Economy
Prasad Pradhan H

Engineering Manpower and Economic Development
Reddy G Raghava

The Growing Unemployment and its Eradication - A Study with Special Reference to Orissa
Sahoo B

Processes of Collective Bargaining
Adhoni M A

The Role of Arbitration in the Process of Collective Bargaining
Banerjee R N

The Process of Collective Bargaining and the Protection of Public Interest in India
Goil R M

1968:: Volume 11 Issue 4

Income Policy
Dholakia J L

Marshall s Four Differences Between Profits and Ordinary Earnings
Kamerschen David R

Inflation and Wage Policy : With Special Reference to India
Parida B C

Income Policy with Particular Reference to India
Prasad Pradhan Harishankar

Income Policy for a Developing Economy
Ray Manoranjan Sinha

The Central Framework Agreements in the National Wage Policy
Tandon B B

Income Policy : Its Pre - Requisites and Implications
Thakur S N

The Psycho - Economic Concept of Incentive and the Perspective of Collective Bargaining
Banerjee R N

Incentive Scheme in Indian Railways
Mast Mahesh Kumar

Incentives and Employee Motivation
Seth K G

Incentives - Do we need them in Industries ?
Singh D P N

Piece Rate As Wage Incentive
Singh V B

Wage Incentives - A Tool of Productivity
Suri G K

Incentive Systems in the Rural Sector
Thakur S N

White Collar Unionism in India with Special Reference to Madhya Pradesh
Goil R M

An Estimate of White Collar Work Force and Unionisation in India
Goyal R C

Growth and Practices of White Collar Unionism
Mathur R S, Papola T S

A Study on Some Aspects of Trade - Union Movement Among the Low - Paid Government Employees in India
Mitra A K

The Changing Character of White Collar Workers in India
Pandey S M

Trade - Unionism in the Indian Posts and Telegraphs Departments
Singh R C


1970:: Volume 12 Issue 1-2

Nature and Content of Labour Economics
Ganguli B N

The Responsibilities of a Labour Economist
Das Gupta A K

Regional Wages in Indian Manufacturing , 1950 - 1960
Verma Pramod

Inter - Industry Wage Differentials in Selected Industries , 1951 - 61
Krishna Kumar

Labour and Capital Formation in an Underdeveloped Economy
Ghosh Subratesh

Aspects of Wage Incentives in Sugar and Jute Industries in India
Roy Bina

Workers in Public Enterprises
Rao K K A P

The Lincoln Incentive System
Suri G K

1970:: Volume 12 Issue 3-4

Impact of Migration on the Labour Force Participation Rates of Metropolitan Areas in the United States 1950 - 1960
Kottis Athena

Managerial Problems of Technological Change
Reddy G Raghava

Nature of Disputes and their Settlement under Workmen s Compensation Acts
Koshal Manjulika

Strategy and Technique of Manpower Planning in Developing Countries
Tandon B B

Grievance Procedure in India
Goil R M

Conciliation : A Persuasive Settlement of Industrial Disputes
Srivastava Suresh C

The Truncated Industrial Relations Commission
Mehrotra S N

Approaches to Settlement of Disputes
Jagannadham V

Settlement of Industrial Disputes in India
Chawda V K

The Economic Significance of Human Resource Development in Thailand 1950 - 1970
Ladd Culver S

Pattern of Employment in Orissa 1951 - 61
Tripathy D

Role of National Employment Service in the Context of Unemployment
Saxena J P

The Role of Labour Participation Rates in Economic Development
Swamy M R Kumara

Management of Manpower Resources for Indian Economy
Kumar P

Migratory Labour from up and Rajasthan in Chandigarh
Ramesh Chandra

Recognition of Unions
Thakker G K

1970:: Volume 12 Issue 4 

Norms of Wage Determination
Adhoni M A

Determinants of Industrial Relations : Legal Framework and Industrial Relations
Thakker G K

Non - Economic Determinants of Employer - Employee Relations in the Rural Sector
Thakur S N

Factors in Inter - State Differentials in Proneness to Industrial Disputes
Dikshit S P

Nature and Content of Labour Economics
Deshpande L K

Labour Economics and Labour Relations
Mukerji K

Content of Labour Economics in India
Mathur R S, Papola T S

Wage Policy and Norms of Wage Determination
Krishnan V N

Norms of Minimum Wage Fixation
Reddy G Raghava

A Critical Analysis of the Principles of Wage Determination in Indian Industry
Sahoo B

Wage Structure in Iron and Steel Industry in India
Saxena J P

Dearness Allowance Fixation in India
Sita Ram

Productivity As a Norm in Wage Determination
Banerjee Paritosh

State Intervention : A Determinant of Industrial Relations in India
Chawda V B

Determinants of Industrial Relations
Goyal R C

Determinants of Industrial Relations
Singh R C

Technological Innovations As a Factor in Industrial Relations
Suri G K


1971:: Volume 13 Issue 1-2

Labour Policies and Practices in Nigeria
Akpala Agwu

Employment Objectives and Labour Force Trends in the U.A.R Ten Year Plan
Naqi Mostafa

Public Employees : A Dilemma in Industrial Relations
Pati Gopal C, Hall W Clayton

Parties to Industrial Relations and their Policies
Singh V B

Determinants of Industrial Relations : A Note
Singh A D

1952 Steel Seizure : A Study in Governmental Intervention in Labour Management Disputes in United States
Andiappan P L

Bargaining Dynamics : Election Eve and NGO Bargaining
Reddy Narasimha

Personnel Practices in Printing Industry of Allahabad
Kumar Navin

Communications : Suratgarh State Farm



1972:: Volume 14 Issue 1-2

The Theory of Class Conflict in Classical Political Economy
Dasgupta A K

Prasant a Chandra Mahalanobis
Mukerjee M

On the Theory of Monopoly Capitalism
Sweezy Paul M

Higher Education and National Development
Chakravarty S

Rural Unemployment in Bihar
Singh V B, Bharadwaj V P

Measurement of Rural Underemployment in Gujarat : A Fixed Time - Coefficient Approach, Bharadwaj V P
Dave P K

Technological Change and Industrial Relations : A Review of British Experience
Verma Pramod

On Optimum Allocation of Resources Among Population Control and Capital Investment Projects
Seal K C

Human Factors in Technological Change
Hasan N

Bonus Payment in Sugar Industry of Uttar Pradesh
Srivastava Sharad Chandra

Haunts of Hunger and Disease : A Study of Ahmedabad
Bhatt Mahesh, Chawda V K

ILO and Indian Labour - Report of a Seminar
Papola T S,

Employment Policy
Papola T S

Industrial Relations
Mathur R S

1972:: Volume 14 Issue 3-4

New Model for Governmental Administration of Industry
Kumaramangalam S Mohan

Magnitude and Structure of the Professions in India : A Story of Interstate Variation
Madan T N, Verma P C

Personnel Management in Soviet Undertakings under the Economic Reform
Paliakov V, Silin A

Some Thoughts on Business Management and Management Training
Taskar G D

Trade Union Recognition and Collective Agreements
Singh V B

Wage and Bonus Within the System of Economic Stimulation of the Establishments : A Summary
Hahn Guenter

Employment Creation Through a Labour and Development Bank : A Note
Raj K N

Labour - Cum - Development Banks
Krishnakumar S

Vocational Training in the German Democratic Republic


1973:: Volume 15 Issue 1

Income Policy
Dholakia Jitendra

Incomes Policy and Indian Economy
Rao M L K, Reddy D N

Wage Structure in Road Transport Industry in India
Rastogi S R

The need to Organised Unorganised Agricultural Labour
Rau B R K

Unorganised Mining Labour in Andhra Pradesh - A Comparative Study
Sai Baba G

Wages , Earnings and Indebtedness of Agricultural Labour
White - Collar Trade Unionism

Rander B B

White - Collar Unionism
Sadri S G, Oommen P A,

1973:: Volume 15 Issue 2-3

Reflections on the Growth Processes in the Indian Economy
Chakravarty S

A Report on Wage Policy
The Scientist in Society - New Problems , New Approaches , New Responsibilities
Burhop E H S

Comparability of 1971 and 1961 Census Economic Data
Ambannavar Jaipal P

Problems and Prospects of Effective Trade Union Development in Nigeria
Nwabueze R O

Under - Utilisation of Installed Capacity in Indian Cotton Textile Industry , 1951 - 69
Tewari R T, Banwari Lal

Worker - Manager : A Report on Yugoslavia and German Democratic Republic
Singh V B

Industrial Relations in TISCO
Singh A D

Category - Wise Unions on Indian Railways
Verma R P

Structure , Employment and Earnings of Unorganised Agricultural Labour
Aulakh H S, Raikhy P S

India s Development Experience
Singh A K

1973:: Volume 15 Issue 3-4

New Model for Governmental Administration of Industry
Kumaramangalam S Mohan

Magnitude and Structure of the Professions in India : A Story of Interstate Variation
Madan T N, Verma P C

Personnel Management in Soviet Undertakings under the Economic Reform
Paliakov V, Silin A

Some Thoughts on Business Management and Management Training
Taskar G D

Problems and Prospects of Effective Trade Union Development in Nigeria
Nwabueze R O

Trade Union Recognition and Collective Agreements
Singh V B

Wage and Bonus Within the System of Economic Stimulation of the Establishments : A Summary
Hahn Guenter

Employment Creation Through a Labour and Development Bank : A Note
Raj K N

Labour - Cum - Development Banks
Krishnakumar S

Vocational Training in the German Democratic Republic


1974:: Volume 16 Issue 1-2

Wage Determination : Final Reflections on the Conference
Brown Henry Phelps

Evolution of the Wages System in Poland
Morecka Zofia

Wage Differentials and Competition in the Labour Market
Papola T S

Labour Relations in the Public Sector
Schregle J

Land Army in Karnataka
Naib Brigadier V P

National Urbanisation Policy : An Approach

1974:: Volume 16 Issue 3-4

Hirschman s Linkage Hypothesis : A Regional Test
Kashyap S P, Desai Rohit D

A Note on the Supply of Labour
Cebula Richard J

Determinants of Labour Productivity
Tewari R T, Trivedi K N

The Energy Crisis and the Maintenance of Peace
Burhop E H S

Removal of Poverty
Pichholiya K R

Wage - Employment Relationship in Manufacturing Industries in Gujarat , 1960 - 1969
Patel B B

Financial Incentives to Industries in Maharashtra : With Special Reference to their Impact on Employment
Papola T S

Emergency and Labour
Ashraf M S

Teaching of Labour Economics
Singh V B

1974:: Volume 16 Issue 4

The Challenge to Traditional Methods of Determining Pay
Roberts B C

Some Observations on Employment Oriented Planning
Chakravarty S

Guidelines to Financing of the Schemes under the Proposed Labour - Cum - Development Bank
Krishnaji N, Krishnan T N, Raj K N

A Report on the Working of the Labour - Cum - Development Bank
Comment on the Interim Report on Wage Policy
Deshpande L K

The Relevance of Economics
Adiseshiah Malcolm S

Teaching of Labour Economics in Indian Universities
Singh V B, Mathur R S

Teaching of Labour Economics : Report of a Discussion
Papola T S

Growth of Agricultural Labour in India
Rao M S Prakasa, Shashi Kumar, Kulkarni Sulochana

Unionizing Indian Agricultural Workers : Problems and Prospects
Verma Pramod, Mookherjee S

Handling Employee Grievances : A Study of Rourkela
Murty B S

White Collar Trade Unionism : Problems and Prospects
Sinha G P


1975:: Volume 18 Issue 1-2

Trends in Nigerian Labour Legislation 1938 - 76 and their Impact on Trade Union Development
Nwabueze R O

Incomes Policy
Narayana D L

Area Skill Survey : An Evaluation
Gaiha Raghav

The Role of Universities in Continuing Education

Scheme for Workers Participation in Industry at Shop Floor and Plant Level


1977:: Volume 19 Issue 1-2

Unemployment and Structural Changes in Indian Rural Society
Raj K N

Forest Labour co - Operatives : A Step Towards Employment Planning in Tribal Region
Tripathi B L

Interdependence of Manpower Use
Kamble N D

Employment Planning : Problems , Strategy and Constraints
Majumdar S

Planning for Employment Generation : A Study of Panchmahals
Sambrani Shreekant, Pichholia K R

Economics of Labour Welfare
Patil B R

Economics of Social Welfare
Deodhar S B

Foreign Private Capital in India
Goyal S K

1977:: Volume 19 Issue 3

Wages in India : Towards a National Wage Policy
Verma Pramod

Impact of Unemployment Insurance on the Functioning of Labour Markets
Tandon K K

Performance of the Nigerian Employment Exchanges As a Resource Allocative Device
Nwabueze R O

Bonus Payments in Pharmaceutical Industry : A Study of Inter - Firm Differences
Madhuri S

Science for Economic and Social Needs

1977:: Volume 19 Issue 3-4

Employment Generation for Integrated Regional Development - A Case Study of Selected Manufacturing Industries in Uttar Pradesh
Prasad K, Rao, T V S Ram Mohan

Employment Oriented Planning in India
Rau B R K, Saibaba G

Linkages of Small Scale Industry : Implications for Employment Generation
Subrahmanian K K

Industrial Relations in Public Sector Undertakings in Orissa
Kumar A

Industrial Relations in Public Sector in India with Special Reference to Rourkela Steel Plant
Mahaptra R C

Pattern of Staff Relations in the Indian Civil Services
Singh R C

Industrial Relations in Public Sector Undertaking : A Case Study of Bharat Heavy Plates and Vessels
Sivaprasad K, Sreeramamurty K

A Scheme for Further Extension of Medical Benefit in under the ESIS

Social Security in India , Yugoslavia and China : Compensatory or Developmental
Rajiv Kumar

Welfare Measures for Industrial Workers in a Public Sector : A Case of Bokaro Steel Limited
Sinha Ramesh P


1978:: Volume 20 Issue 1-2

Growth , Unemployment and Poverty

Worker s Participation in Management in Rourkela Steel Plant : A Case Study
Mahapatra R C

Worker s Participation in Management on the Indian Railways
Verma R P

Female Labour Participation Rates Among Scheduled Castes of Karnataka
Rao N J Usha

Female Worker s Participation in Rural Areas : A Case Study in a DPAP Area
Tripathi B L

Female Labour Force Participation Rates in India
Mathur R S

1978:: Volume 20 Issue 3

A Critique of the Theory of Industrial Relations
Sadri Sorab G

Trends in the Structure of Relative Wages in Nigeria 1960 - 1974
Nwabueze R O

Relative Movement of Money and Real Wages of Agricultural Labour in Punjab
Aulakh H S, Kainth G S

Agricultural Labour : A Socio - Economic Survey
Johar R S, Sharma O P

Labour Resource Utilization in Tribal Areas
Patel M S

1978:: Volume 20 Issue 4

Trade Unions and Workers Participation in Management with Reference to Karnataka - I
Aziz Abdul

Workers Participation in Management - Concept and Practice
Banerjee R N

Workers Participation in Management
Deodhar S B

Workers Participation in Management : A Case Study of Gujarat
Dholakia Jitendra

Workers Participation in Management in Orissa
Kumar A

Joint Management Councils and Participative Management in India
Narayana D L

Workers Participation in Management : Contingency Theory Approach
Reddy G Raghava, Reddy Muniramy

Workers Participation in Management : Some Basic Issues
Seth K G

The Scheme for Workers Participation in Industry - A Review
Singh R C

Interstate Variation in Female Labour Force Participation Rates in India
Dholakia Eakul H, Dholakia Ravindra H

Female Labour Force Participation Rate : Direct Verification of Some Hypotheses
Patil B B, Dholakia Ravindra H

Women Workers in Metropolitan City : A Study of Ahmedabad
Pichholiya K R

Female Participation in Work in Orissa : An Interdistrict Comparison
Sahoo B, Mahanty B K

Female Labour Force Participation Rates in Karnataka
Wahan P, Venkatadasappa T

Proletarianization of Agricultural Labourers : A Sociological Study of Some Villages in Bengal
Bose Pradip Kumar

Trends of Proletarianisation of Rural Labour in Andhra Pradesh
Dasaradha G, Rao Rama

Proletarianisation of Rural Labour in India
Singh V B


1979:: Volume 21 Issue 1-2

Rural Employment : Facts and Issues
Dantwala M L

Growth and Employment
Bhardwaj V P

Organisation of Rural Workers in India
Pandey S M

Wage Structure
Deshpande S M

Interstate Variations in Rural Unemployment and Growth of Agriculture
Parthasarathy G

Increasing Employment Opportunities in Agriculture - A Village Study
Ramanna R, Mallikarjunaiah K G, Vijayakumar H S, Murthy S R S

Wage Differential in Manufacturing Industry in Orissa
Kumar A, Mohanty P K, Swain D N

Bonus and Wage Structure : The Problem of Integration
Seth K G

Factors Affecting Workers Earnings in the Cotton Textile Industry of India
Tewari R T, Sinha R C

Fertility and Family Size Among Industrial Workers
Srivastava J N, Rastogi S R

1979:: Volume 21 Issue 3

S D Punekar ( January 15 , 1916 - May 1 , 1979 )
Deodhar S B

An Equitable Wage Policy for India : Some Issues
Aziz Abdul

Employment of Women and Men in India : A Historical Review , 1901 - 1951
Acharya Sarthi

Female Employment in Rural Gujarat : Some Issues
Hirway Indira

Origin , Growth and Structure of Trade Union Movement in Indian Railways
Reddy D Narasimha

1979:: Volume 21 Issue 4

Growth and Composition of Employment in Indian Agriculture
Bisaliah S, Hiremath S A, Gowda G Nanjunda

Growth and Employment
Dholakia Jitendra

Inter - Generation Occupational Changes in a Green Revolution Area : A Study of Matar Taluka
Hirway Indira

Structure of Employment in the Small Scale Industries : Orissa
Pradhan Gopinath

Agricultural Growth and Farm Employment
Sadhu A N, Amarjit Singh

Growth of National Income and Employment in India
Sinha S P, Sinha P K

Full Employment Growth for an under Developed Economy : A Theoretical Framework
Upadhyaya K K

Organising Agricultural Labourers
Aziz Abdul

Organization of Rural Workers in India
Pandey S M

Organising Agricultural Workers - A View Point
Pantullu N Kamaraju


1980:: Volume 22 Issue 1-2

Crisis in Industrial Relations Policy
Sinha G P

Share of Labour in Value Added : A Case Study of Orissa
Rao R S, Pradhan Gopinath

Some Reflections on Employment Planning Through Dairy Development in Rural Areas
Misra G P

Segmentation of Labour Market in India : With Special Reference to Women
Nerurker Amaraju

Distribution of Income and Wage - Differentials Some Industries in India
Ray Biswanath

Labour Force Characteristics and Employment Planning
Sinha R C

Segmentation of Labour Markets
Papola T S

1990 :: Volume 22 Issue 3

Workers Involvement in Trade Unions
Arya P Prakash

Minimum Wages Legislation for Agricultural Labourers in Andhra Pradesh
Rao G Dasaradha Rama

Impact of Economic Development on Rural Artisans in Punjab
Singh Gill Sucha

Socio - Economic Effects of Rural - Urban Migration : A Critical Analysis of the Nigerian Experience
Nwabueze R O

Rural - Urban Migration and Unemployment
Das Kumar B

1990 :: Volume 22 Issue 4

Wage Profit Relations : Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Compromises
Nagaraj A

Wage Profit Relationship in Agriculture
Patel N T

Wage - Profit Relations in Indian Railways , 1951 - 78
Rao S Kishan

Wage - Profit Relationship : Some Empirical Evidence
Rao V G, Aziz Abdul

Problems of Employment Planning in Rural Public Employment Schemes
Apte D P

Labour Force Characteristics , Job Preference Structure and Micro - Level Employment Planning
Bisallah S, Hiremath G K, Hiremath K C

Employment Generation at Micro Level - A Framework for Plan Formulation
Dholakia Ravindra H

Employment Planning According to Labour Force Characteristics : A Case of Rural Women
Hirway Indira

Agriculture Labour Force Characteristics and Employment Planning in Bihar
Sinha S P, Sinha P K

Labour Market for Educated Women in India - Verification of Some Hypotheses on Discrimination
Patel B B, Shah V K

Child Labour in a Metropolitan City : A Study of Ahmedabad
Pichholiya K R

Agricultural Child Labour
Rao J S Narain


1981:: Volume 23 Issue 1-2

Industrial Relations and Productivity
Sinha G P

Education , Training and Earnings : A Case Study
Selvanathan K

Temporal and Spatial Variations in Wage of Agricultural Labourer in Punjab
Dhaliwal R S, Grewal S S

Intricacies in Wage Determination in a Developing Economy
Rao S Kishan

Wage Determination in a Developing Economy
Rao C Sivarama Krishna, Jayashanker K, Reddy V V

Determination of Minimum Wages in the Coal Mining Industry of India
Rau B R K, Saibaba G, Vijayalakshmi K

Brain Drain : A Project Study
Ghosh B N, Ghosh Roma

Labour Replacement Capacity in Non - Bullock Farms
Giriappa S

1981:: Volume 23 Issue 3

Wage Element in Nigerian Inflationary Situation
Ogbonna M N, Nwabueze R O

Wage Comparison As Criterion of Wage Determination : The Case of the Central Government Employees
Verma R P

Concepts of Unemployment and Methods of Measuring Unemployment in an Underdeveloped Country - India
Vivekanand Franklin

Industrial Relations in Punjab
Dhindsa K S, Om Prakash

Financial Incentives and Labour Productivity : A Study in Six Manufacturing Units
Muthukrishnan A V, Kamaiah B, Sethuraman T V

A Study of Migrant Agricultural Labour in Punjab
Grewal S S, Sidhu M S

1981:: Volume 23 Issue 4

Wage Determination in India : Criteria and Techniques
Aziz Abdul

Wage Determination in a Developing Economy
Dholakia Jitendra

Cost of Living Allowance As a Factor in Wage Determination
Mahapatro S B

Wage Determination in a Developing Economy : The Case of Gujarat s Agriculture
Parmar B D

Wage Determination in a Developing Economy
Perumal S Velayudha

Factors Affecting Regional Variations in Agricultural Wage Rates in Andhra Pradesh
Rao G Dasaradha Rama

Wage Determination in a Plural Labour Market
Seth K G

A Micro - Approach to Wage - Determination in a Developing Economy
Thakur S N

The Role of Law in Industrial Relations in India
Nair K Ramachandran

Role of Law in Industrial Relations
Sharma S B

The Quest for Industrial Peace : India
Singh R C

Concept of Manpower Planning As an Apparatus of Human Resources Utilization
Banerjee R N

Manpower Planning and Industrial Management
Naidu K Munirathna, Naidu K Sreenivasulu

The Role of National Employment Service in Manpower Planning
Verma R P


1982:: Volume 24 Issue 1-2

Human Relations in Industry
Saxena R C

Distributive Shares and Prescripts of Equity
Mathur S

Trends in the Sharing of the Gains in Productivity in the Post - Independence Period in India : A Preliminary Examination of Certain Aspects
Roy Bina, Datta Pranati

Collective Bargaining - The Kerala Experience
Nair K R

Negotiating Machinery in Indian Railways : A Study with Special Reference to the Working of Permanent Negotiating Machinery
Rao P Subba, Rao M Gangadhara

Special Employment Schemes : A Study of Two Schemes in Karimnagar District , Andhra Pradesh
Rao C Siva Rama Krishna, Reddy V V, Murthy N Linga

Special Employment Schemes : Case Study of a District
Suryanarayana C

Planning and Organization of Employment Guarantee Schemes in India
Saibaba G, Naidu B R

Special Programmes for Employment Generation in Andhra Pradesh
Naidu K Munirathna, Rao G U K

Collective Bargaining : Status and Prospects in India
Mathur Kamala

Productivity and Wages
Pore Kumud

Factor Share Effects of Technical Change in Agriculture
Chandrakanth M G

1982:: Volume 24 Issue 3

Organizational Determinants of Supervisory - Management Relations in TATA Steel
Sahrma Baldev R

Impact of Technological Change on Farm Employment
Baldev Singh, Vinod Kumar

Labour Absorption and Marginal Value Productivity in Agriculture - A Case of Bihar State
Chand Kanwar Prakash

Pattern of Employment Relations in Karnataka Agriculture
Parameshwara N, Aziz Abdul

Unemployment , Job Search and the Optimal Waiting Time
Mukhopadhyay Swapna

Palamoori Labour - The Human Machine
Sastry C Mani

1982:: Volume 24 Issue 4

An Inter - Class Time Series Analysis in Sharing Gains in Productivity of Manufacturing Industries
Bhattacharyay Biswa N, Mazumdar Krishna

Sharing Gains of Productivity
Dholakia Jitendra

Union s Policy in Sharing the Gains in Productivity - An Analytical Study
Indrakant S

Factor Share Effects of Technical Change in Agriculture
Kunnal L B, Bisaliah S

Productivity and Wage Trends in South Indian Coal Mines , 1956 - 1978
Rao J S Narayan

Sharing Gains in Productivity - A Case Study of Indian Railways 1951 - 80
Rao S Kishan

Collective Bargaining in Karnataka : A Review
Aziz Abdul

Collective Bargaining in Textile and Engineering Industries in Coimbatore
Patil B R

Collective Bargaining in the Rubber Plantations in Kanyakumari District - A Case Study
Perumal S Velayudha

Collective Bargaining : Status and Prospects in India
Ratnam C S Venkata

Collective Bargaining on the Indian Railways
Verma R P

Collective Bargaining : Status and Prospects in India
Sharma R C

A Note on Employment Guarantee Scheme : The Maharashtra Experience and Lessons
Reddy D Narasimha

Special Schemes of Employment for Weaker Sections - A Case Study of Musahari Block
Bihar, Sinha S P, Sinha P K

Some Reflections on Programmes for Educated Unemployed
Tripathi B L, Gupta K K


1983:: Volume 25 Issue 1-2

Human Resources and Productivity
Narayana D L

Reverse Discrimination in Development Policy
Mathur Gautam

Job Satisfaction - Myth and Reality
Srivastava A K, Srivastava Vinita

Job Satisfaction and need Hierarchy Among Bank Officers
Dubey B L, Uppal K K, Verma S K, Dwivedi P

Pattern of Employment Relations in Indian Agriculture
Naidu Muniratna K, Rao G U K

Regional Earnings Differentials of Rural Labour
Singh Satya Prakash

Attached Labour and the Classification of Agricultural Labour : Some Issues
Basant Rakesh

1983:: Volume 25 Issue 3

Labour Relations in Andhra Pradesh Agriculture 1881 - 1981
Reddy M Atchi

Rural Surplus Labour : Concepts and Evidence
Baharud Priyendra

Female Labour Force Participation Rates : Concepts and Estimates for India
Satakopan Usha, Shamala Devi L N

Approaches to Planning of Employment Creation in Rural Areas
Mishra G P

Unemployment in India : A Review
Subrahmanyam S

Levels of Living of Agricultural Labourers in Punjab
Dhaliwal R S, Grewal S S

Trends in Productivity and Wages in Khadi and Village Industries
Mathur R S, Muzammil M

1983:: Volume 25 Issue 4

Wage - Employment Relations in Developing Countries
Dholakia Jitendra

Production - Profit Duality Approach to Employment Growth Accounting
Kunnal L B, Bisaliah S, Yadiyal K S

Price Vectors and Employment Growth : An Exercise in Methodology
Rao D S Gundu, Bisaliah S, Kunnal L B

Wage - Employment Nexus in Developing Economies : With Special Reference to Manufacturing Sectors
Rao K S

Trends in Wage - Employment Relations in the Indian Economy
Roy Bina, Gupta Swagata, Sen Nandita

Motivation and Job Satisfaction Through Delegation
Bhargava J N, Mukherji A K

Some Indicators of Job Satisfaction in Indian Industries
Datta Pranati

Motivation and Job Satisfaction in the Plantations in South India : A Review
Perumal S Velayudha

Relationship Between the Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction : A Study of Sugar Industries
Srivastava S K, Pratap Swaran

Motivational Dynamics in Indian Industry
Prasad L M

A Study of Job Satisfaction Among Workers of a Steel Industry
Sinha R P

Job Satisfaction and Motivation in an Organisation in Transition : An Analysis of the Factors Leading to Deterioration of Work Ethic
Ratnam C S V, Rao U S

A Study of Job Satisfaction Among Employees of Private and Public Sectors
Verma R P, Sinha R P

Emergence of Agricultural Labour and its Impact on Labour Relations in Punjab Agriculture
Gill S S, Singh U C

Labour Relations in Kuttanad Agriculture
Nair K R

Employment of Pesticides Farm Labourers and Pattern of Relationships
Pichholiya K R

Aspects of Industrial Relations in Agriculture in West Bengal
Roy Biswanath

New Forms of Labour Relations in Agriculture : Seasonal Tenancy in Western Uttar Pradesh
Shanker Vineeta

Labour Relations in an Agrarian Economy : An Empirical Study of North Bihar
Sinha S P, Sinha P K

Labour Relations in Agriculture and the New Agrarian Technology in Bihar
Thakur S N


1984:: Volume 26 Issue 1-2

The Web of Inequity
Mathur Gautam

The Wage Question : Theory and Policy
Dasgupta A K

Human Resource Development and Economic Growth
Manocha Lalita, Mathur P N

Occupation Distribution and Mobility in Rural Areas of Bengal
Datta Pranati

Industrial Relations Policy in India
Nair K Ramchandran

Size Effect on Human Relations in Industries
Masilamani S

1984:: Volume 26 Issue 3

Wage Differentials Between Scheduled Caste and Non - Scheduled Caste Agricultural Labour
Tandon B B

Collective Bargaining Theory - An Appraisal
Chaudhuri Santwana

Nature and Extent of Workers Participation in Strike
Arya P P

Measurement of Locational Influences in Selected Industries in India
Singhal K C, Kapoor P K

Estimates of Surplus Labour in the Mid - Hill Zone Agrarian Economy of Himachal Pradesh : A Time Criterion Approach
Thakur D S, Kushwaha D S

Emerging Pattern of Employment for Rural Labour in India
Abraham Joseph

Rural - Urban Migration : Theory and Applications
Hiremath N S, Betsurmath C G

1984:: Volume 26 Issue 4

Sharecropping , Imperfect Land and Credit Markets and Migration
Chaudhuri Tamal Datta

Rural - Urban Migration : Theory and Applications
Hiremath N S, Betsurmath C G

Migration from Kumaon Region
Khanka S S

The Pattern of Rural - Urban Internal Migration : Its Socio - Economic Correlates
Prabhakara N R

Rural Urban Migration and its Impact on Urban Unemployment
Sen A, Bhattacharya D

Growth and Equity Dimensions of Human Capital : Theoretical Issues and Empirical Evidences
Bisaliah S, Gowda G Nanjunda

Human Resources , Education and the Indian Scene
Perumal S Velayudha

On Human Resources
Rao V L

The Core of a New Model of Economic Development
Sarkar P C

Education , Earnings and Income - Distribution Some Evidences
Shah K R, Srikantiah S

Trade Unions in India : Trends and a Gandhian Perspective
Aggarwal M L

An Appraisal of Recent Trends in Trade Unionism in Cement Industry
Lalwani Sushil J

Trade Union Movement in India
Nigam M S

Trade Unionism and Union - Management Relations : A Case Study
Rao U Surya

Trade Union Scenario in India : Some Reflections
Ratnam C S Venkata

Structural Change in Indian Trade Union Movement
Reddy D Narasimha

Indian Trade Unionism - Recent Trends and Emerging Patterns
Singh R C

Unionism in a Development Society : A Case of Bokaro Steels
Sinha R P


1985:: Volume 27 Issue 1-2

The Growth of Aggregate Unemployment in India : Trends Sources and Macro Policy Options
Krishna Raj

Rural - Urban Migration and its Counter - Stream in Gujarat : A Study of Census Data
Kothari Devendra, Visaria Pravin

Labour Market Analysis - A Survey
Purohit Y S

Decision Making in the Rural Labour Market
Singh Sidhu Ajmer

Income and Consumption Pattern of Rural Population in District Jaunpur UP,
Jaiswal M M, Singh Ram Iqbal, Singh D S, Yadav S R

1985:: Volume 27 Issue 3

Dimensions of Migration in India
Soni N K

The Inter - Industry Wage Structure in India : Recent Experience
Subbayamma G, Verma Pramod

On an Aggregate Approach to Measurement of Wage Share in National Income : A Study of Organised Sector in India
Agarwal A L, Agarwal Rashmi

New Agricultural Technology and Farm Employment
Rao K Chakradhar

Current and Potential Employment in Forestry Sector in Himachal Pradesh
Guleria Amar, Thakur Dalbir

Women Workers in Silk Reeling Industry
Samuel M Johnson, Erappa S

Methods of Recognition of Trade Unions in India
Arya P P

Some Aspects of the Functioning of the Schemes for the Poor : A Study of Poultry Farming Scheme in Gujarat
Hirway Indira

1985:: Volume 27 Issue 4

Capital State and Production Relations
Azad Nirmal S

Setting Industrial Disputes in Punjab
Om Prakash, Chander Subhash

An Evaluation of State s Preventive Machinery in Indian Industrial Relations
Savlani Hasmukh D

The Role of the State in Industrial Relations in India
Singh R C

Jari Industry of Surat : A Study of Characteristics of Household Sector
Desai Rohit, Tiwari R S

Contract Labour in Rourkela Steel Plant
Parida Jayanta Kumar, Samantrai B K

Brick - Kiln Workers in Greater Bangalore
Patil B R

A Perspective on Unorganised Sector in India
Raju R S, Ratnam C S Venkata

Problems of Beedi Workers in Trichy Town
Tamil Nadu, Rao U Surya, Thangapandian R

Economic Conditions of Agricultural Labourers in up - A Study Based on Agricultural Rural Labour Enquiry Reports
Singh Ajit Kumar

Labour in the Unorganised Sector
Thakur Sanjay P

Sub - Optimal Non - Gainful Utilisation of Manpower in Rural Industries
Tiwari R S

A Study of Wage - Employment Relations in West Bengal Tea Plantations
Misra S R

Wages and Employment in Indian Industries
Tripathi B L, Narayanan S, Parmar D S


1958:: Volume 28 Issue 4

Wage Trends in Organised and Unorganised Sector : Wage Trends in Agricultural and Industrial Sector in India
Grover R K, Rai K N, Niwas Sri

Wage Trends in Organised and Unorganised Sector : Plantation Labour in Kerala : Composition , Wage Trends and Wage - Productivity Relation
Raman K Ravi

Wage Trends in Organised and Unorganised Sector : Trends in Agricultural Wages in Some South Indian Districts 1800 - 1980
Reddy M Atchi

Wage Trends in Organised and Unorganised Sector : Share of Industrial Wages in Value - Added , 1960 to 1980
Tirthankar Roy

Wage Trends in Organised and Unorganised Sector : Employment and Earnings in Small - Scale Manufacturing Enterprises
Nityanand Sarkar, Mukherjee Robin

Wage Trends in Organised and Unorganised Sector : Wage Trends in Organised and Unorganised Sector in Bihar
Singh R C, Singh B N

Wage Trends in Organised and Unorganised Sector : Trade Unions and Wage Level
Velan G

Employment Policy and Seventh Five Year Plan : Production Techniques and Employment Policy in Seventh Five Year Plan
Benjamin R E

Employment Policy and the Seventh Five Year Plan : Employment Policy in the Seventh Five Year Plan - A Critical Appraisal
Kumar Rajendra, Sharma R C

Employment Policy and the Seventh Five Year Plan : Employment Policy and the Seventh Five Year Plan
Ramalingam R Sankara

Employment Policy and the Seventh Five Year Plan : Employment Generation an Alternative Way
Ravindra R P

Employment Policy and the Seventh Five Year Plan : Employment in Seventh Plan
Sudhakar Bettina C

Industrial Relations in SSI Units : In Search of Industrial Relation in Small Scale Industries
Mohanty B B

Industrial Relations in SSI Units : Towards a Theory of Industrial Relations in Small Firms
Shyamsundar K R

Industrial Relations in SSI Units : The Small As Exploiter
Vyasulu Vinod


1987:: Volume 29 Issue 1-2

Model of Trade Unionism on Gandhian Lines of Thinking - A Study of Textile Labour Association ( TLA ) Ahmedabad
Bhardwaj V P, Chawda V K

Trade Unionism in a Coal Mining Industry
Rao V Bhaskara, Reddy R Ram

Unionism and Union Management Relations in co - Operative Sector - A Study of Selected Units in Visakhapatnam District
Raman C S Venkata, Jyorhi S S

rade Unions in Orissa - Problems and Prospects
Pattnaik Sukanti Priya

State on Trade Unions in India Today
Singh R C

Trends in the Share of Labour Income , 1960 - 61 to 1982 - 83
Rao V Lakshmana

1987:: Volume 29 Issue 3

Technology : Old Myths New Realities
Khan A Farooq, Qureshi Nasir Z

Labour Employment and Productivity According to Major Crop Mixes in a Technologically Advanced Region of Rajasthan
Varghese K A

Agricultural Mechanisation and its Impact on Employment in Two Rainfed Villages of Karnataka
Hadimani R N

Trade Unions of India to - Day and Union Leadership
Sankararamalingam D, Velan G

Employment Impact of New Technologies in Agricultural Sector
Tripathi B L, Tripathi Prakash

Technology and Employment - With Special Reference to Industrial Sector
Madaiah M, Sudhakar Bettina C

1987:: Volume 29 Issue 4

Wage Share in a Developing Economy - With Special Reference to India
Mazumder Krishna, Majumder Pradip

Share of Wages in National Income - The Indian Experience
Perumal S Velayudha

Technology , Employment and Development
Benjamin R E, Karunagaran M

Effects of Technological Change in Domestic Equipments on Employment
Murty S

Technology and Employment
Patel S K, Talati R C, Rana C S

Labour Absorption As Associated with Farm Output at Different Levels of Technology under Various Agricultural Systems in Rajasthan
Sharma P M, Sharma R C

Impact of New Technology on the Employment of Share - Wage Annual Servants on Punjab Farms
Shergill H S

White Collar Trade Unionism
Kanhere Usha

State of Trade Unionism in a Developing Industrial Region - A Study of Bharuch - Ankleshwar Region
Purohit Y S

Industrial Policy and Trade Union Activities in West Bengal : A Study, Ray Biswanath
Moulik, P K

A Study on Unionism in Informal Sector
Raju R Satya

Unionism in the Informal Sector in India
Shukla B N, Shukla Bimla


1988:: Volume 30 Issue 1-2

Into the Twenty First Century : Implications for Workers
Datar B N

Migration and Urban Labour Market
Sharma Alakh N

An Employment Function for the Indian Labour Market - An Econometric Paradigm
Satchitanandan M V, Varadarajan Birundha Dhul

Worker Ownership and Management of Industry
Bhattacharya J B

Workers Ownership and its Evaluation
Verma R P, Sinha Rajan

Workers Ownership and Management of Industry
Mendonca-e-noronha Silvia

1988:: Volume 30 Issue 3

A Review of the Proposed Trade Unions and the Industrial Disputes ( Amendment ) Bill 1988
Singh A D

Organisational Climate for Collective Bargaining : Views of Managers and Workers
Mohanty P K

Factionalism in White Collar Trade Union : A Case Study of the Bihar State Non - Gazetted Employees Federation
Singh K P

Technical Progress Function and Employment - An Illustration from Textile Industry
Varadarajan Dhulasi Birunsachithananthan M V

Trends of Industrial Relations in Orissa
Sahoo K M

Product Market , Technology and Industrial Relations in Printing Industry : A Case Study
Giri D V, Patro G C

Battling Trade Unionism in India : The Evils and the Way - Out
Singh S R

Principal of Minimum Wage Fixation : Application in Agricultural Wage
Singh B N

1988:: Volume 30 Issue 4

Performance of a Village Labour Market in Orissa : Case Study of a Village in Sambalpur District
Nath G B

Rural Female Employment - Trends and Characteristics
Chandra R

Labour Market Segmentation : A Case Study
Debi Sailabala

Agricultural Labour Market in South India in the 19th Century and in the 20th Century
Reddy M Atchi

Wage Differentials Between Sexes in India - An Explanation
Dholakia Ravindra H

Emerging Trends in Industrial Relations : The Anatomy of University and College Teachers Strike
Tripathi S D

Emerging Trends of Industrial Relations in Coal Mining Industry
Reddy R Ram

Emerging Trends of Industrial Relations - The Case of Collective Bargaining Practice in Indian Steel Industry
Murty B S, Das R K

Emerging Trends of Industrial Relations
Sen Ratna

Some Aspects of the Emerging Trends of Industrial Relations in India
Sudama Singh, Singh Binod Bihari

Workers Ownership of Industries - The Yugoslav and a Perspective for India
Perumal S Velayudha

Workers Ownership and Management of Industry
Shukla B N, Shukla Bimla

Participative Management in Public Sector : A Study in Rourkela Steel Plant
Rath B P


1989:: Volume 30 Issue 1

How Horizons of Personnel Management
Pandey S N

Quality of Work Life - A New Horizon in Personnel Management
Rao P Subba, Narayana N

Technological Change and Employment : Some Field Evidences
Rao Narayan J S, Goud S Sidda

Women Workers in India : Problems and Prospects
Singh B N, Singh R N

1989:: Volume 30 Issue 2

Job Search and First Income : A Study of Engineering Manpower in India
Prasad K V Eswara

Deskilling and Wage Differentials in Construction Industry
Harilal K N

Employers in the Rural Market for Daily Hire
Rajaraman Indira

Constraints of Labour Productivity in Rourkela Steel Plant
Parida Jayanta Kumar

Moral Foundations of Gandhian Economic Order
Rai Shila

Women in Trade Unions
Shukla B N, Shukla Bimla

1989:: Volume 30 Issue 3-4

State Regulation of Industrial Relations Recent Developments
Sharma R C

State Regulation of Industrial Relations : Some Recent Trends
Singh Bishwa Nath, Singh Harendra Narain

National Wage Policy for India : An Analysis of Problems and Prospects
Pandey M P

A National Wage Policy for the Banking Industry in India
Verma B N

Poverty and Unemployment in Rural India
Datta Meera

A Case Study of Rural Development and the Agricultural Labourer
Bhattacharya J B, Sen Ratna

Agrarian Structure , Intervention and Revolution , Errp Programme in an Identified Village in Orissa
Nath G B

Impact of Planning on Agricultural Labour in Andhra Pradesh
Naidu K Munirathna

1989:: Volume 30 Issue 4

Computer Applications in Personnel Management
Joshi Samir

Personal Management in Indian Banking System
Sinha Meena

A Reflection on the New Horizons of Personnel Management
Singh S, Singh B B

New Horizons in Personnel Management
Singh Harendra Narain

Technological Change in Agriculture , the Process of De - Peasantisation and Rural Workers in India
Verma B N

Technological Change and Labour Displacement in Indian Agriculture
Das Hem Chandra Lal

Employment and Technological Changes : A Case Study of Bihar
Prasad Pradhan H

Technological Change in Agriculture and its Impact on Women ( Workers ) in Rural Bihar : A Two Village Profile , Muzaffarpur
North Bihar, Sinha S P

Inverse Labour Demand Equations in Selected Indian Industries
Reddy P R S, Reddy C Snpparami

The Problems of Indian Women Workers : Need for Sectoral Approach
Misra Reena

Employment Pattern and Educational Status of Female Workers in Uttar Pradesh
Nigam Nomita

A Study of Socio - Economic Conditions of Women Contract Labour in Manganese Mines at Joda in the District of Keonjhar , Orissa
Mohanty Kalyani, Mishra Biranchi N

Economic Condition of Women Workers in India
Maya Prasad

Scheduled Caste Women Workers : The Most Exploited Group

Women Agricultural Labour in Bihar : A District - Wise Analysis of Census Data
Roy Anubha


1990:: Volume 33 Issue 1

Economic Development and Labour Market Interface in India
Deshpande L K

National Wage Policy Imperatives and Impediments
Dutt Ruddar

Rural Labour : Its Problems and Prospects
Rao J S Narayan

National Wage Policy - Imperatives and Impediments
Bhattacharya J B

Impact of Planning on Rural Labour
Retnam V C V

State Regulation of Industrial Relations Recent Developments
Singh B Gopal, Ghiya D P

State Regulation to Settle Industrial Disputes in India
Joshi Samir

Rural Labour Woes : The Political Legacy
Singh R C, Sinha Lila

1990:: Volume 33 Issue 2

A Theoretical Framework for a Study of Rural Labour Markets
Bhalla Sheila

Educated Unemployment in the Less Developed Countries : The Relevance of the Neo - Classical Framework and Policy Option to the Nigerian Experience
Oladeji S Idowu

Productivity of the Expanding Services Employment
Ramana D V, Kumari D B Krishna

The Demand for Non - Market Time : The Case of Married Women in an Urban Setting
Malathy R

Administration of the Minimum Wages Act , 1948 : A Study of Orissa
Rath B P, Parida S C

Trends and Issues of Industrial Relations : A Case Study of Bihar

Precarious Jobs in Western Europe
Rogers Gerry, Rodgers Janine

1990:: Volume 33 Issue 3

Relevance of the Marxian Economics to Less Developed Countries
Dholakia Jitendra

Output Growth , Wages and Employment in Agriculture
Mishra G P

Towards Understanding the Dynamics of Rural Labour Markets : An Approach Based on Indian Evidence
Kannan K P

Wage Elasticity of Labour Supply for Males and Females
Dholakia Ravindra H

Education and Employment Planning for Young Women
Varshney H K

Women Migrant Workers in Bihar
Roy Anubha

Impact of Union Membership on Industrial Relations
Arya P P

1990:: Volume 33 Issue 4

Workforce Participation of Child Labour in the Rural Economy of India
Subramanian M S

Problems of Child Labour in Indian Agriculture
Maya Prasad

The Problem of Child Labour
Sudama Singh, Sinha Maya

Magnitude of Child Labour in India : Some Policy Prescriptions
Prasad K Siva, Yogi B Ramachandra

Child Labour in Unorganised Sector : A Case Study of Ujjain City
Murty S

Child Labour : A Study in Cuttack City
Mishra B N, Mishra P K

Quality Control Circles Policies and Implementation in India : An Expositionary Analysis
Saibaba G, Umashankar C, Naidu V P

Quality Circles in the Public Sector
Bhattacharya J B

Quality Circles : Promise , Performance and Prospect
Satchitanamdam M V, Birundha V Dhulasi

Trade Unionism in West Bengal : Recent Trends
Sen Ratna


1991:: Volume 34 Issue 1

Employee - Ownership for a Stable Industrial Base
Nanjundappa D M

Agrarian Entrepreneurialism in Bangladesh
D wood Geoffrey

On Measuring Employment and Earnings for Weaker Sections in Rural India
Chadha G K

Non - Farm Employment in Punjab : A Perspective
Surjeet Singh

Hours of Work and Rural Children : Its Determinants and Effect on Fertility
Lakshmanasamy I

Consumption Expenditure in India
Dutt Ruddar

1991:: Volume 34 Issue 2

Analytics of Employment in Indian Plan Models : A Critique
Narayana M R

Unemployment Poverty Nexus : Another Look
Sidhu H S

Correlates of Inter - Regional Variations in Rural Non - Agricultural Employment in Gujarat
Basant Rakesh, Parthasarathy R

Factors Responsible for Inter - Regional Differentials in Industrial Wages
Nazmuddin Md

The Indian Industrial Relation Model
Sinha Rajan

Organizational Climate and Industrial Indiscipline : A Plant Level Study
Murty B S, Giri D V, Mohapatra A K

Growth and Structure of Trade Unionism in Jammu and Kashmir
Gani A

Third Party Intervention in Dispute Settlement : Roles of the Conciliation Machinery
Pattnaik Sukanti Priya

Measuring the Distance Between Workers and Management
Dayal L

Contract Labour in the Organised Industrial Sector
Shastry C Mani

1991:: Volume 34 Issue 3

Women in the Indian Labour Force : A Sectoral and Regional Analysis
Acharya Sarthi, Mathrani Vinalini

Women and Work : An Examination of the Female Marginalization Thesis in the Indian Context
Varghese N V

Women and Development
Ramaswamy Uma

Sex and the Probability of Graduate Employment : An All - India Experience , 1971 - 81
Baldev Singh, Navdeep Kaur

Women s , Industry and Technology : Two Successful Case Studies
Hirway Indira, Unni Jeemol

Women in the Unorganised Sector with Special Reference to Kerala
Gulati Leela

Migration of Female Construction Workers to Hyderabad City , 1974 - 1990
Reddy M. Atchi

Planning and the Plight of Female Rural Labour in India
Singh Bhagwan Pd., Seema Singh

A Study of the Role of Women in Dryland Agriculture : Utilisation and Crop Production Efficiency
Sudha M, Reddy Y Y R, Haffis Shaik, Swamy T M, Raju Rvvsgk, Lakshmi P

Work and Activity Pattern of Women in Rural Bihar
Sharma Alakh N

Women at Work in Western Europe
Rodgers Janine

Times of a Truce : An Assessment of Change in the Hill Economy and Women s Work
Sudarshan Ratna M

1991:: Volume 34 Issue 4

Labour Absorption in the Indian Economy : Some Issues
Hirway Indira

Labour Absorption Problem and India s Development Strategy
Ahuja H L

The State and Labour Absorption in Urban Areas
Surjeet Singh, Bhargava Pradeep

Labour Migration : Process , Causes , Effects and Remedies
Joshi Samir, Padasia Vinod

Absorption of Migrant Workers in the Urban Informal Sector : A Case Study of Vijayawada City
Prasad K Siva, Yogi B R

Issues Relating to Economic Migration of Females
Shanti K

Migration of Rural Labour : A Case Study of Samastipur District in Bihar
Choudhary Ramesh Chandra

Migration and Informal Sector Workers in Kanpur Metropolis : An Empirical Analysis
Tiwari R S

Workers Participation : The Myth and Reality in India
Perumal S Velayudha

Workers Participation in Management in Public Enterprises
Sharma R C, Anil Kumar

Workers Participation
Alva H R

Shop Improvement Group : The New Participative System That Succeeds in Rourkela Steel Plant
A Kumar, Tripathi S K

Workers Participation in Management Development and Suggestions
Singh Bhagwan Prasad

Statutory Workers Participation
Bhattacharya J B

Workers Participation in Management : Statutory or Non - Statutory
Shukla B N, Shukla Bimla

Workers Participation in Management in Banking Sector with Particular Reference to the State Bank of India
Lal Meera

Participative Management in Public Undertakings : Some Experiences
Bikrama Singh

Tubewell Irrigation and Labour Absorption : A Study in Bengal Plains
Sharma Indradeo, Singh K B

Peasant Movement and Agrarian Reforms in Tamil Nadu , 1940 - 1989
Narayanan K Badri

Peasant s Movement in Santhal Pargana , 1855 - 1900
Sharma N, Parmanand Singh

Socialists Contribution to Peasant Movement in Bihar
Sharma Gayatree

Peasant Resistance and Revolts in India
Naidu K Munirathna, Manjushree K

Whither Peasant Movement West Bengal
Pandey M P

Peasant Movements and Organizations in a Transitory Agrarian Setting : A Study of Andhra Pradesh
Sai Baba G, Naidu V R, Rao P N

Peasant Movement in Gujarat with Special Reference to Kheda and Bardoli Satyagrahas
Patel S K, Talati R C


1992:: Volume 35 Issue 1

Lockouts , Closures and the Role of the State
Datt Ruddar

Employment Consequences of the Green Revolution : Some Emerging Trends
Chaudhri D P

Employment , Human Development and Rural Poverty
Dev S Mahendra

Industrial Conflicts Since 1921 : A Statistical Analysis
Verma Pramod

Methodological Issues in Collecting Time Use Data for Female Labour Force
Khan M E, Anker Richard, Ghosh S K Dastidar, Patel C Bella

Women , Work and Trysem : An Evaluative Study
Sinha R P

Participative Management and the Role of Managers in the System : The Indian Scene
Arora Balwinder

Pseudo - Employment : A Novel Form of Exploitation of Human Resources in Bihar
Singh Lal Bahadur

The Teachers Teacher : Professor a k Dasgupta
Prasad Pradhan H

1992:: Volume 35 Issue 2

Education , Health , Nutrition and Demographic Changes : A Review of Evidence on Asia
Tilak Jandhyala B G,

Tertiary Sector Employment and Rural - Urban Migration
Mitra Arup

Impact of Tractor Use on Agricultural Employment in Gujarat
Parthasarathy R

New Technology and Shifts in Labour Demand in South Indian Agriculture
Reddy V Ratna

Household Assets and Employment in the Tribal Economy of Himachal Pradesh
Sharma K C

Valuation of Unskilled Labour in Cost - Benefit Analysis : Some Conceptual and Technical Problems
Khan Nisar Ahmad

Income and Poverty of Urban Unorganized Labour : A Study in Baroda
Kantawala B S, Padaria V K

Poverty in Poverty Analysis
Ghosh B N

Determinants of Labour Absorption in Agriculture : A Quantitative Analysis
Bajpai A D N

1992:: Volume 35 Issue 3

Earnings , Employment and Productivity Trends in the Organised Industries of India
Jose A V

The Employment Effects of Stabilisation and Related Policy Changes in India , 1991 - 92 to 1993 - 94
Mundle Sudipto

Rural Non - Farm Employment : An Assessment of Recent Trends
Papola T S

Employment Security and Industrial Restructuring in India : Separating Facts from Folklore - The Exit Policy Controversy
Mathur Ajeet N

Casualisation of Labour in India : Concept , Incidence and Policy Options
Mukhopadhyay Swapna

Every Blade of Green : Landless Women Labourers , Production and Reproduction in South India
Kapadia Karin

New Technology , Knowledge and Power : A Tale of Some Agencies
Samaddar Ranabir

New Technology and its Impact on Labour - Management Relations
Datta R C

Stabilisation , Structural Adjustment and the Rural Poor
Hirway Indira

Employment and Wages in Rural India : The Fight Against Poverty and the Economic Reforms
Etienne Gilbert

1992:: Volume 35 Issue 4

Economic Liberalization and Labour in India
Deshpande L K

Restructuring of the Indian Economy and its Impact of Labour Market
Nath Golakh B

Impact of Structural Adjustment on Working Class

Exit Policy : Some Major Issues
Leelavathi D S

Impact of Economic Restructuring on Labour in India
Prasad Maya, Prasad Madan Mohan

The New Economic Policy in India : Some Implications for Labour
Aparna, Shekhar Navendu

Structural Adjustment and Feminization
Deshpande Sudha

The Impact of Economic Restructuring on Labour
Prasad K Manjushree

Structural Reform and Employment
Banerjee Amalesh

Strikes and Lockouts in India : Past Experience and Future Perspective
Sundaram S K G

A Reflection on Strikes and Lockouts in India
Sudama Singh, Singh Rabi Niwas

Strikes and Lockouts in Indian Industries
Sharma Nipun

Strikes and Lockouts As Industrial Phenomenon
Ojha N K

Strikes and Lockouts in Industrial Cooperatives
Rayudu C S, Narayana N

Strikes and Indian Labour Movement : A Retrospective Overview
Roy Ruby

Labour Productivity and Trade Unions in India
Saibaba G, Rao L K Mohana

Productivity Question and the Role of Trade Unions
Singh Bhagwan Prasad

Labour Productivity and Trade Unions : Some Positive Aspects
Biswanath Singh

The Missing Links of Labour Productivity : A Review
Perumal S Velayudha

Improving Productive Efficiency : Lessons from a Port s Experience
Giri D V, Patro G C, Parida S C

Impact of Internal Factors on Labour Productivity : A Study in Major and Medium Industries
Naidu K Sreenivasulu, Ravindrakumar V K

An Analysis of Productivity Trends in Singareni Collieries
Chary A K Vasudeva, Ramakrishna G


1993:: Volume 36 Issue 1

New Economic Policy and Challenges Before the Labour Economists
Man Mohan Singh

Unemployment and Employment in India : An Overview
Naidu K M

Some Important Issues Before the Labour Economists
Jain S K

The Creation of Employment in Segmented Labour Markets : A General Problem and its Implications in India
Rodgers Gerry

Employment of Women in South Asian Countries
Papola T S

Wage Determination in a Casual Labour Market : The Case of Paddy Field Labour in Kerala
Pushpangadan K

New Economic Policy and its Impact on Industrial Relations and Employment in India
Datt Ruddar

Role of Rural Labour in Socio - Economic and Political Transformation of India
Mishra Chaturanan

1993:: Volume 36 Issue 2

The Changing Context of Full Employment
Desai Meghnad

Industrial Relations and Employment Policy in India : The Problems of Liberalization and Strategies for Economic Growth and Equity
Kannappan Subbiah

New Economic Policy and Political Invisibility of Women
Arya Sadhna

Gender Discrimination in the Labour Market : A Review of Literature
Agrawal Sarita

Productivity Trends in Asian Agriculture , 1950 - 1990
Chaudhri D P

Impact of IRDP on Income and Employment : Results from Maharashtra
Sharma Rajesh

A New Look at the Old Bottle : A Study of Land Tenure and Farm Productivity
Chattopadhyay Manabendu, Sarkar Debnarayan

Indian Villages and Districts Revisited : The Issues of Economic Growth and Poverty
Etienne Gilbert

Suggestions for Improvement of Labour Statistics
Sunder K K Shyam

Working and Living Conditions of Landless Agricultural Labourers of Punjab : An Empirical Study
Pawar Rajinderjit, Raghbir Singh

Cargo Handling and Productive Efficiency of Visakhapatnam Port : A Case Study
Murti B S, Rao A Narasimha

Mahila Mandal : A Challenge and a Resource
Kaushik Susheela

Women and Employment
De Mendonca-noronha M

1993:: Volume 36 Issue 3

Non Farm Employment for Rural Households in India : Evidence and Prognosis
Chadha G K

The Character of Rural Industrialisation and its Employment Impact in India : An Inter - Regional Perspective
Mathur Ashok, Pani Pranab Kumar

Diversification of Economic Activities in Rural Gujarat : Key Results of a Primary Survey
Basant Rakesh

Emerging Tendencies in Rural Manufacturing Sector : Role of Policy
Kashyap S P

Some Aspects of Rural Non - Farm Sector Development in Developing Countries
Surjit Singh

Non - Farm Development in Rural India Through Institutional Interventions : Do's and Don't
Mahajan Vijay

Tests of Some Propositions about the Dynamics of Changes in the Rural Workforce Structure
Bhalla Sheila

Rural Non - Farm Employment : A Static and Dynamic Study of Inter - State Variations
Alok Kumar

Rural Non - Farm Employment , Poverty and Women
Mitra Arup

Land Ownership Structure and Non - Farm Employment of Rural Households in India
Thorat Sukhadeo

1993:: Volume 36 Issue 4

Patterns of Employment Generation in India
Bhalla Sheila

Political Economy of Employment Planning in India
Kabra Kamal Nayan

Growth and Changing Structure of Employment in Urban India : An Analysis in the Context of the New Economic Policy
Kundu Amitabh

Structure of Employment in India
De Mendonca Noronha Silvi

Employment Generation in India
Sudama Singh, Singh Ravi Niwas

Employment Generation in India
Veershekharappa, Indira A

Employment Generation in India : Past Trends and Desirable Perspectives
Nath G B

Employment Generation : A Case Study of Working of IRDP
Singh K B

Investment , Growth and Employment in India , 1972 - 73 to 1987 - 88
Mungekar B L

Employment Generation : A Model with Empirical Analysis
Rana R K

Employment Growth in India : A Dis - Aggregated Picture
Acharya Sarthi

Urban Employment , Migrant Labour and Structural Adjustment
Mitra Arup

The Employment Implications of Structural Adjustment
Prasad Ajit, Pandey B K

Female Employment in Non - Farm Sector : Evidences and Adjustment Proposals
Sai Baba G, Vijayalakshmi K

Employment of Women in India
Naidu K Munirathna, Shree K Manju

Employment Generation in Maharashtra , 1981 - 1991 : District Level Analysis
Deshpande Sudha

Employment in Informal Sector : Some Issues
Kulkarni Anjali Prakash

Fluctuations and Employment Institutions in the Tourism Sector
D souza Errol

Wages and Employment of Agricultural Labourers in Rural India : A Temporal and Cross - Sectional Analysis
Sharma H R

Structure of Rural Employment in Hindukush Himalayas - A Study in Himachal Pradesh
Saraswat S P, Sharma Amresh, Sharma Aruna

Employment Guarantee Scheme in Maharashtra : Impact on the Poor
Dev S Mahendra

Jawahar Rozgar Yojana in Andhra Pradesh : A Critical Evaluation
Suguna V

Impact of National Rural Employment Programme on Employment and Wages
Kirti Kumar

Quality of Work Life : A Continuing Concern
Sinha Jai B P

An Approach Towards Understanding the Wider Concept of Quality of Work Life
Ratnam C S Venkata

Quality of Work Life - What is it ?
Biswas S K

Quality of Life and Quality of Work Life : An Indigenous Approach
Verma Jyoti

Quality of Work Life
Gupta T K

Managing Power for Quality of Work Life
Sengupta, Sunita Singh

Technology and Quality of Work Life
Bhagat Manju

Quality of Work Life and Productivity
Sharma Ajay, Ghosh Siladitya

Quality of Work Life System and Quality Circles
Murthy M G K

Quality of Work - Life Through Quality Circles
Meera Lal

Quality of Work - Life Through Quality Circles
Sunil Kumar

Quality of Work - Life and Trade Unions
Bhattacharya J B

Quality of Work - Life in a State Setting : Findings of an Empirical Study
Gani A

Small Group Participation and Quality of Working Life : A Study in Rourkela Steel Plant
Kumar A, Tripathy S K

Promotion from Within : A Positive Reinforcer for Enriching Qwl for White Collar Employees
Bhattacharya Deepak Kumar

Some Aspects of the Quality of Work Life of the Construction Workers in Hyderabad City
Reddy M Atchi

Quality of Work Life in a Cement Industry
Varadarajan Dhulari Birunramasubramanian A

Quality of Work Life and Gender Poverty Nexus : A Case Study of Housemaids
Couvery R, Nayak U K Sudha

Quality of Work Life and Gender Issues : A Study of Female Secretarial Workers in Lucknow City
Kumar Namita P

Labour Market Institutions and Economic Development
Parthasarathy G

Unionisation and Industrial Labour
Sen Ratna

Trade Unions As Labour Institutions and their Role in India s Socio - Economic Transformation
Sundaram S K G

Gandhian and Japanese Labour Relations - Surprisingly Similar
Koshal Manjulika, Koshal Rajindar K

Workers Participation in Management : An Emerging Institution of Labour
Sodhi J S

New Economic Policy and Labour Institutions
Sharma R K, Mohanna Kumar S

Common Property Resources and Labour Institutions
Sengupta Nirmal

Gender in Labour Market : Case of an Informal Institution
Chauhan Poonam S

Gender As in Informal Labour Institution : Occupational Segmentation and its Implications in Kerala
Rachel Kumar

Co - Operatives for Bidi Workers : Rhetoric and Reality in Maharashtra
Prasad Anuradha, Prasad K V Eswara

Growth and Structure of Rural Labour and the Organisation Level in North - East India
Singh Gill Sucha

Institutions and the Dynamics of Rural Labour Markets : Labour Shortage in a Labour Surplus Agrarian Economy of Kerala
Francis Shaji K

Agriculture Labour and Labour Institutions in Bihar
Seema Singh, Bipin Kumar

Labour Institutions in Indian Agriculture : The Case of Labour Tying and Factor Markets
Verma Binoy N

Analysing Institutions : Sharecropping in Purnia District During the Colonial Period
Jha Praveen


1994:: Volume 37 Issue 1

Structural Adjustment, Labour Market Flexibility and Employment
Papola T S

Economic Reforms and the Prospects for Rural Labour
Rao C H Hanumantha

East Asia s Explosive Development : Its Relevance to Theories and Strategies
Patel Surendra J

Mexico : A Model for Developing Countries ?
Tanski Janet M, Blum Albert A

Labour Institutions and Economic Development in India : Some Exploratory Hypotheses
Kannan K P

Modelling Trade Union Growth in India
Bhattacherjee Debashish, Chaudhuri Tamal Datta

Are Trade Unions in India Withering away ?
Sadri Sorab, Ray Pranabesh, Hegde Dinesh

Structural Reforms and Controlled Conciliation of Industrial Labour in India
Sanjeev Kumar

Earnings , Discrimination and Status : A Study of Saleswomen in Ernakulam District
Patrick Martin, Rajaseshan D

Employment and Wage Structure of Unskilled Migrant Labour and the Development of Textile Industry in Bhilwara, Rajasthan
Chakravarti Ila, Patwari Indubala

India : Employment, Poverty and Economic Policies

Meeting and Challenge

1994:: Volume 37 Issue 2

Employment in Organised Manufacturing in India
Ghose Ajit K

Employment, Labour Productivity and Wage Rate in Public and Organised Private Sectors in the Context of Structural Reforms
Bhattacharya B B, Mitra Arup

Unemployment Alleviation Programmes in India : A Review and Prospects under the New Economic Policy
Bhole L M

Public Policy for Employment and Economic Growth
Narayana D L, Ramana D V And Krishna Kumari D B

New Economic Policy - A Review
Datt Ruddar

New Agricultural Technology, Increasing Costs and Relative Shares of Labour and Other Factors : A Spacio - Temporal Analysis of Andhra Pradesh
Reddy V Ratna

Low Cost Options for Watershed Development in Dry Land Agriculture : Implications for Employment
Shah Amita

Factor Utilization and Wage Employment in Agriculture : The Case of Adani Rice Project in Nigeria
Arene C J

Schooling Levels of the Population in India
Tilak Jandhyala B G

Theoretical Approaches on Migration, Unemployment and the Urban Informal Sector : A Critique
Chatterjee Sandip, Raychaudhuri Ajitava

Policy - Induced Factor Market Rigidities, Unorganised Sector and Employment Effect of Exchange Rate Policies in India
Acharyya Rajat

Employment Generation and Labour Markets : Limits and Possibilities of State Intervention
Sharan Tripurari

An Approach to Pricing of Training Programmes
Mishra R K

Report of the NDC Committee on Employment : Conclusions and Recommendations

Report of the Committee on Industrial Sickness and Corporate Restructuring

1994:: Volume 37 Issue 3

he Informal Sector of Indian Manufacturing Activities : A Regional Study
Shaw Annapurna

Industry, Informal Sector Employment and Poverty
Mitra Arup

Performance of the Informal Vis - A - Vis the Formal Manufacturing Activities : A Study of Kanpur Metropolis
Tiwari R S

Informal Sector and Social Well - Being under Structural Adjustment Programme
Mahadevia Darshini, Jain Trupti, Acharya Binoy

Slums, Migrants and the Urban Informal Sector in Surat City
Das Biswaroop

Wage, Working and Living Conditions of Workers in the Informal Sector
Ramanujan M S, Awasthi I C

Structure and Dynamics of Labour Market Fragmentation : Divisions Among Construction Labourers in South India
Loop Theo Van Der

The Unprotected Labour
Bhatt Ela R

The Migrant Female Bread Winners - Women in the Informal Secondary Sector of Rourkela, Orissa
Meher Rajkishor

Lowest Rung of the Production Process : Women Home - Based Piece - Rate Workers in Urban India
Pathak Pushpa, Patnaik Indu

1994:: Volume 37 Issue 4

Labour Market Flexibility : Holy Grail or Banquo s Ghost ?
Mathur Ajeet N

Labour Market Flexibility : Some Issues
Surjit Singh

Job Insecurity and Labour Market Flexibility
D souza Errol

Labour Market Flexibility : A State of Impasse in Industrial Relations
Kulkarni Suchita

Flexibility of Labour Market : Theoretical Approach and Empirical Evidences from India
Nath G B

Labour Market Restructuring and Structural Adjustment
Seth Vijay K

Bombay Labour Flexibility Survey : A Micro - Level Contribution
Deshpande Sudha, Deshpande Lalit

Employee Leasing and Labour Market Flexibility - An Empirical Study of its Problems and Prospects in Selected Manufacturing Units
Bhattacharyya Deepak Kuma

Exit Policy : Impact on Labour Markets
Naidu K Manirathna, Manjushree P

A Note on the Flexibility of Rural Labour Markets
Jha Praveen

Rural Labour Markets and Poverty
Sen Abhijit

Poverty, Workforce Development and Rural Labour Markets
Bhalla Sheila

Inter - Linkages Between Poverty and the Labour Market in the Rural India
Unni Jeemol

Determinants of the Incidence of Poverty Among Rural Labour : A Cross - Sectional Study
Alok Kumar

Rural Labour and Anti - Poverty Programme
Banerjee Amalesh

Poverty Alleviation Through Rural Public Works : The Experience of Maharashtra's Employment Guarantee Scheme
Datt Gaurav

Social Security in the Unorganised Sector : Lessons from the Experiences of Kerala and Tamil Nadu States
Dev S Mahendra

Economics Status, Poverty and Diversification of Activities Among Rural Artisan Households in Gujarat
Parthasarathy R

Discrimination Against Female Farm Labourers in the Jharkhand Region of Bihar
Sharan Ramesh, Dayal Harishwar

Rural Labour Market Segmentation and Poverty - A Case Study of Rural Maharashtra
Seth Sarojini

Labour Market Segmentation : A Case Study in Rural Coimbatore
Arumugan P, Nagarajan R

Labour Within the Economy and the Policy of India
Sadri Sorab

Trade Union Movement in India : Emerging Trends
Tiwana S S

Some Emerging Trends in the Trade Unionism in India
Sudama Singh, Sharma Shyam Sunder

Problems of Inside and Outside Leadership in Indian Trade Unions
Singh K C, Sunil Kumar

Size, Structure and Changing Role of the Indian Trade Unions
Prasad K Siva, Yogi B Ramachandra

India Trade Unionism at Cross Road
Sinha Pravin

Emerging Trends in Indian Trade Unionism
Sharma Richa

Emerging Trends in Trade Unionism - The Case of Kanoria Jute Mill
Sen Ratna

Working Class Response to Changing Political Economy

Role of Collective Bargaining in Tea Plantations in Tamil Nadu
Meenakshisundararajan A

Trade Unionism in the Cement Industry
Arachi S Bencigar

Structural Adjustment Programme and Trade Unions Responses
Masilamani S

Case Study of an Independent Trade Union in Jhabua District of Madhya Pradesh

Working Class Response to Liberalisation in the Ranchi Industrial Region : An Empirical Study
Bhagat Manju, Ranjan Rakesh

A Study on Trade Unionism Among Unorganised Labour in Coimbatore
Daniel Paul P James, Sangamithra A

Recent Trends in Agricultural Labour Movement in Bihar - Experiences and Imperatives
Singh Bhagwan Prasad


1995:: Volume 38 Issue 1

Trade Unions Response to Changing Times
Sangma P A

Attack on Poverty and Deprivation : Role of Structural Change and Structural Adjustment
Rao C H Hanumantha

A Note on Measurement and Use of Poverty Estimates
Alagh Yoginder K

Reforms Sans Employment
Khusro A M

Development and Employment
Hashim S R

Labour Market Flexibility and the Indian Economy
Ghose Ajit K

Economic Growth , Rural Labour Markets and Rural Poverty : Understanding the Linkages
Hirway Indira

Flexibility As an Aspect of Work Culture
Ratnam C S Venkata

Poverty Alleviation Programmes and the Dynamics of Rural Women s Labour Force Participation : Two Case Studies from DWCRA - Bihar
Prasad Sujata

The Services Sector in India : Structure, Characteristics and Role in Economic Development
Suryanarayanan S S

Changing Environment of Trade Unionism
Sinha Neelima

World Employment 1995 : An ILO Report

1995:: Volume 38 Issue 2

Safety Net of the National Renewal Fund : Some Basic Issues
Hirway Indira

Unemployment and Large - Scale Industries : A Historical Study of the Roots of Labour Surplus in the Jute Industry
De Haan Arjan

Does Womens Time Allocation Respond to Economic Incentives ? Evidence from a Developing and a Developed Country
Duraisamy P, Duraisamy Malathy

Employer - Employee Relations : Need for Transition in Values
Modi Sanjay, Singhal K C, Singh Umesh C

Human Resource Allocation and Education - Employment Trade Offs
Prakash Shri, Dutta Ranita

Employment Trends in Agro - Climatic Resource Regions
Mathar Niti

Graduate Employment : The Earning Aspect
Baldev Singh

Trends, Pattern and Characteristics of Indian Labour Migration to the Middle East During the Twentieth Century
Sasikumar S K

Production Subcontracting in Developing Economies : A Short Survey
Bose Annavajhula J C

Productivity of Manufacturing Industries and its Linkages with Wages
Dash J

Peasant Income and Distribution in Futin Country, China, 1978 - 89
Qu Jinding

Labour Force Participation of Women and Children in Rural India : An Analysis of the Inter - State Variability
Jayraj D

1995:: Volume 38 Issue 3

Policies for Rural Labour : From Relief to Structural Change
Rao V M

The Informal Sector Reconsidered
Breman J

Government Interventions and Social Security for Rural Labour
Dev S Mahendra

Unionising Agricultural Labour : Some Issues
Gill Sucha Singh

State and Union Intervention in Rural Labour : A Study of Kerala
Kannan K P

Union Intervention in Rural Labour Markets : The Experience of Andhra Pradesh
Reddy D Narasimha

Peasant Mobilisation in Bihar : Implications for Rural Labour Markets
Sharma Alakh N, Ajay Kumar

Labour Institutions in Backward Agriculture; need for Intervention
Krishnaiah M

Self - Employment and Capacity Enhancing Programmes
Kurian N J, Rajeev P V

An Assessment of Wage - Employment Programmes : JRY and Eas
Nayyar Rohini

Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme of Andhra Pradesh
Reddy S Sudhakar, Swaminathan M C

1995:: Volume 38 Issue 4

Employment and Labour under Structural Adjustment - India Since 1991
Ghosh Jayati

Economic Reforms and Employment in India - Projections for the Year 2001 - 02
Agarwal R N, Goldar B N

Implications of Structural Reforms for Public - Private Sector Wage Differentials in India
Duraiswamy Malathy, Duraiswamy P

Exit Policy and Social Safety Net
Mehta S S

Economic Restructuring and Labour Adjustment Policies in India
Singh Shrawan Kumar

Human Dimension of Structural Adjustment in India - Problems and Possibilities
Nath G B

Impact of Structural Adjustment on Poverty, Employment, Income Distribution, Health Care and Education
Naidu K M, Manjushree P, Munirathnam B

Employment Generation in the Service Sector
Sudama Singh, Sharma Shyam Sunder Prasa

Structural Shifts and the Growth of Tertiary Sector in India
Sharma R K, Jayakumar A

Service Sector in Economic Development : An Empirical Study
Murty C S, Reddy P R

The Service Sector for Growth and Employment
Banerjee Amalesh

Growth and Employment Potentiality of Tertiary Sector in India
Rajendra Kumar

Nature of Jajmani in Services and its Impact on Rural Employment : A Study of Three Indian Villages
Rustagi Preet

Organising the Unorganised Labour : Some Issues
Aziz Abdul

Organising the Unorganised Workers in Small Scale Units : Problems and Prospects

Organising the Unorganised Urban Labour : Case Studies from Maharashtra
Sundaram S K G

Organising the Urban Unorganised Workers : Two Successful Experiments
Sheth Sarojini

Organising the Unorganised Workers : A Study of Citu s Role in West Bengal
Chatterjee Shyamalendu

Unorganised Labour Unionism : The Case of Headload Workers in Kerala
Nambiar A C K

Organising the Poor Rural Women : The Experience of the Quarry Workers of Pudukkottai
Athreya V B, Sujata R

Home - Based Female Workers in Self - Employed and Informal Sector
Sudan Falendra K, Gupta S K

Organising the Unorganised Tendu Leaf Workers in Orissa
Tripathy Santosh Kumar, Dash Ashok

Organising the Farm Sector Workers of Sugar Industry in Maharashtra : A Veritable Challenge
Jugale V B

Organising the Unorganised Migrant Rural Workmen in Orissa : Problems and Prospects
Tripathy P K, Mohanty P K


1996:: Volume 39 Issue 1

Workforce Restructuring , Wages and Want : Recent Events, Interpretations and Analysis
Bhalla Sheila

Employment , Labour Market Flexibility and Economic Liberalisation in India
Bhaduri Amit

Health , Poverty and Labour
Krishnan T N

From Tertiary Sector to Services : Some Conceptual Issues and the Indian Scenario
Kumar M Satish, Mathur Ashok

The Services Sector and its Role in Economic Development
Suryanarayanan S S

Social Security and Structural Adjustment
Parthasarathy G

Labour Demand in the Manufacturing Industries : A Comparative Study of Four Asian Nations
Dhananjayan R S, Devi N Sasikala

Age , Experience , Qualification and Remuneration of Managers in Some Large Indian Firms
Sen Anindya, Sarkar Subrata

The Equal Remuneration Act of 1976 : An Assessment Based on Views of Unions and Officials
Acharya Sarthi

Subcontracting , Industrialisation and Labouring Conditions in India : An Appraisal
Bose Annavajhula J C

Child Labour in Glass Industry : Some Field Notes
Mishra G P, Diwakar D M

Terrorism , Liberalisation and Industrial Relations in Punjab
Arya P P, Tandon B B

On Highlighting the Economic Activity of Women
Varghese Sheela

1996:: Volume 39 Issue 2

Gender Based Wage and Job Discrimination in Urban India
Divakaran Sita

Division of Labour and Employment Conditions in the Surat Art Silk Industry
Agrawal Sarita

Job Search and Earnings of Migrants in Urban Labour Market : A Study of Madurai Metropolis
Santhapparaj A Solucis

Unemployment Compensation and Employment Services in India
Nayyar Rohini

Employment Conditions in the Indian Food Processing Industry : Retrospect and Prospect
Mamgain Rajendra P

Employment and Wages in the Registered Small Scale Industries
Pandit M L

Employment in the Manufacturing Sector in Karnataka : Reflections on the New Industrial Policy
Gayithri K, Prahladachar M

Rural Non - Farm Employment and Income in Tamil Nadu : A Quantitative Analysis at the Household Level
Saleth R Maria

Employment Security : Relief Work Programmes Vs. Productive Employment
Unni Jeemol

Regional Rural Non - Farm Employment in Uttar Pradesh : Some Emerging Trends
Ranjan Sharad

Minimum Wages Law , Agricultural Labour and Uniform Minimum Wage
Dash J

New Economic Reforms in India : A Critical Assessment
Datt Ruddar

Impact of Varying Sizes of Labour and Capital on Labour Welfare in Small - Scale Industrial Units : Some Survey Results
Varghese Sheela

Living Standards of Casual Labourers in Arunachal Pradesh : A Case Study
Ali N

Education , Productivity and Earnings : A Micro Study
Muthaiyan P

Hookworm Disease and Peasant Labour Productivity in Nigeria
Arene C J, Idenyi E S

Role of Conciliation Machinery in Jammu and Kashmir
Gani Abdul, Iqbal Javid

India : Economic Reforms and Labour Policies

Employment Strategies for Rural Tribal Workers

1996:: Volume 39 Issue 3

Economic Reforms , Employment and Labour Market in South Asia
Islam Rizwanul

Globalisation and Labour Market in Bangladesh, Reza Sadrel
Mahmood Raisul Awal

Economic Reforms and Rural Labour Market in Bangladesh
Rahman Rushidan Islam

Impact of Liberalization on Labour Market and Industrial Relations in India
Deshpande Sudha, Deshpande Lalit K

Current Issues of Labour Policy Reforms in India
Ghosh Ajit K,

Economic Reforms and Gender Issues in India
Hirway Indira

Structural Adjustment , Poverty , Employment and Safety Nets : The Indian Experience
Papola T S, Sharma Alakh N

Economic Reforms , Employment and Labour Market in Nepal
Guru-gharana Kishor Kumar

Globalization , Liberalization , and Employment Strategies in Pakistan
Naqvi Syed Nawab Haider, Mahmood Zafar

Globalization , Economic Growth and Employment in Sri Lanka
Lakshman W D

1996:: Volume 39 Issue 4

Structure of the Indian Workforce , 1961 - 1994
Visaria Pravin

Changing Structure of Employment in India , 1981 - 1991
Deshpande Sudha

Casualisation of Workforce in India : An Analysis of Spatial Variations
Jayadevan C M

Changes in Employment Situation with Demographic Transition : The Indian Case
Kumar K Anil, Tiruvenkitasamy S

Farm / Off - Farm Labour Market Participation and Workforce Restructuring in Rural India : A Micro Study
Nath G B

Non - Agricultural Employment and Rural Livelihoods : Macro Vis - A - Vis Micro View
Unni Jeemol

Changes in the Composition of Rural Labour Force : Some Evidence from a Village Resurvey
Kumar B L

Occupational Participation of Women in Punjab , 1961 - 81
Sangeeta Singh

Agricultural Development , Occupational Structure and Gender : A Case Study of Punjab
Rupinder Kaur

Agricultural Diversification and Farm and Non - Farm Employment in Himachal Pradesh
Chand Ramesh

Some Causes of Changes in Workforce Structure in a Delta Village
Murty C S

Trends in the Structure of Workforce in Bihar
Permanand Singh

Migration and Occupational Changes of a Scheduled Caste Community : A Case Study of Ghasis of Ranchi
Sharan Ramesh, Dayal Harishwar

Social Security for Indian Workers : Performance and Issues
Dev S Mahendra

Social Security for the Unorganised Sector in India
Sasikumar S K, Subrahmanya R K A

Some Effects of a Social Security Tax
D souza Errol

Health Security for Indian Workers
Prabhu K Seeta

Health Insurance for Tribals : A Case Study
Prasad K V Eswara

Social Security for the Poor : Provisions and Constraints in Bihar
Singh B P, Singh K B, Chaudhary R K

Social Security for Traditional Sector Workers in Kerala : Rhetoric and Reality
Nambiar A C K

Economic Liberalization , Democracy and Industrial Relations : India in a Comparative Perspective
Bhattacherjee Debashish

Internal Emergency and Industrial Relations
Sunder K R Shyam

Some Emerging Issues in Industrial Relation Vis - A - Vis the Impact of State Policy in India
Sudama Singh, Sharma Shyam Sunder Prasad

Emerging Issues in Industrial Relations in Transition
Sen Ratna

Workers Ownership : A Distant Goal for Indian Trade Unions
Sinha Pravin

Economic Reforms and the Future of Indian Trade Union Movement
Sundaram S K G

Determinants of Labour - Management Relations in Small Scale Industries
Ramachandran K, Nadar E Narayanan, Patnaik K Uma Shankar

Impact of Union - Related Factors on the Level of Women s Participation : A Case Study
Christopher S Benjamin

Industrial Relations in Orissa : Role of State
Routray Padmalita, Mohanty P K

Industrial Restructuring and Industrial Relations in Canada and India : A Comparative Analysis
, Gani Abdul


1997:: Volume 40 Issue 1

State, Market and Labour : A Political Economic Perspective
Thakur C P

Rural Labour, Poverty and Development
Tulpule Bagaram

On Enriching the Foundations of Labour Economics in India
Kannappan Subbiah

Labour Clauses, the World Trade Organisation and Child Labour in India
Castle Robert, Chaudhri D P, Nyland Chris, Nguyen Trang

Incidence of Poverty in India : Towards a Consensus on Estimating the Poor
Malhotra Rajeev

Growth and Employment in Indian Industry : A Statewise Decomposition Analysis
Rastogi Gursharan

Rural Migrant Labour Systems in Semi - Arid Areas : A Study in Two Villages in Andhra Pradesh
Krishnaiah M

Wage Employment Programmes in India : Retrospect and Prospect
Chauhan S P

Integrated and Cost Effective Employment Schemes : The Thalley Model
Sivasubramanian M N

Strategies for Poverty Alleviation in India in the Ninth Five Year Plan : A Workshop Report
Srivastava Ravi S

A Dynamic Profile of Child Labour in India , 1951 - 91

1997:: Volume 40 Issue 2

Trends in Poverty , Wages and Employment in India
Bhalla Sheila

Wage Differentials Between Migrants and Non - Migrants and Discrimination in Urban Informal Sector in India
Duraisamy P, Narasimhan S

Migrant Labour in Urban Areas : Dimensions and Determinants
Sensarma Kuntal

Compensating Wage Differentials for Work Related Fatal and Injury Accidents
Shanmugam K R

Trends in Agricultural Wages in Kerala : 1960 - 1990
Baby A A

Irrigation - Induced Indirect Employment During Eighth Plan : An Estimation Procedure with Tentative Estimates
Saleth R Maria

Public Works Programmes : Some Issues
Mukherjee Anindita

National Expenditures on Poverty Alleviation and Social Sectors : An Evaluation in the Light of the 1997 - 98 Budget
Shariff Abusaleh

Workers Safety Nets : Global and Indian Dimensions
Verma Kush

Imperfections in the Labour Market and its Implications for the Labour Absorption in Agriculture
Pandya Kiran

Employment of Women in India : Some Research and Policy Issues
Papola T S, Sharma Alakh N

Labour Market and Industrial Relations in South Asia : A Conference Report
Ratnam C S Venkata

Structural Adjustment and Labour

1997:: Volume 40 Issue 3

How Real is the Bogey of Feminization ?
Banerjee Nirmala

Trends and Pattern of Female Employment in India a Case of Organised Informalisation
Kundu Amitabh

Women Workers in Agriculture : Some Recent Trends
Unni Jeemol

Marginalisation Hypothesis and Post Green Revolution Period in India
Parthasarathy G, Nirmala K Annie

Locating Women Within Informal Sector Hierarchies
Mukhopadhyay Swapna

Female Child Labour and Gender Bias in School Education in Indian States - 1961 - 1991
Chaudhri D P

Labour Force Participation , Returns to Education and Sex - Discrimination in India
Kingdon Geeta Gandhi

Striving for a Toe - Hold : Women in the Organised Sector
Srivastava Nisha

Gender - Based Discrimination in the Urban Labour Market in India
Deshpande Sudha, Deshpande Lalit K

State Interventions and Womens Employment
Dev S Mahendra

1997:: Volume 40 Issue 4

Some Reflections on Unemployment and Poverty
Patnaik Prabhat

Political Economy of Labour in India
Gill Sucha Singh

Neo - Liberalism of New Economic Policy , Globalisation and Unemployment in India
Shri Prakash

Political Economy of Labour Market Restructuring in India : Problems and Possibilities
Nath Golak B

Do India s Labour Policies Harm Indian Workers ? a Comparison with East Asia
Agrawal Pradeep

The Strike Weapon : Re - Examining its Effectiveness
Vyasulu Vinod

Resistance and Rebellion in Contemporary Bihar s Agrarian Landscape
Jha Praveen Kumar

Political Economy of Agricultural Labourers : A Theoretical Approach
Chatterjee Biswajit, Kundu Amit

Abstracts of Articles on Political Economy of Labour

Should there Be a National Minimum Wage in India
Ghose A K

Minimum Wage Legislation
Sankaran S R

The Long - Run Effects of a Minimum Wage Policy
D souza Errol

Poverty and Minimum Wages
Bhagat Manju

Minimum Wages Within Agriculture : A Review of Indian Experience
Parthasarathy G

Minimum Wages in Agriculture : An Analysis of Secondary and Village Survey Data
Srinivasan M V

Administration of Minimum Wages in Agriculture : An Appraisal
Gill S R S, Lohumi V K

Minimum Wages , Agricultural Wages and Rural Poverty in Madhya Pradesh
Karan Anup K

A Policy Perspective on Child Labour in India with Pervasive Gender and Urban Bias in School Education
Chaudhri D P

Changes in Child Labour Over Space and Time in India , 1981 - 1991
Duraisamy Malathy

Child Labour in India : Some Reflections
Singh Surjit

Do Child Workers Acquire Specialised Skills ? a Case Study of Teenage Workers in Bhavnagar
Swaminathan Madhura

Child Labour : A Profile of Delhi Slums
Gupta Indrani, Mitra Arup

Causes and Earnings of Child Labour in Beedi and Agarbathi Industries
Usha S, D Radha Devi

Female Child Labour in Sivakasi
Ramachandran K, Patnaik K Uma Shankar

Education and the Incidence of Child Labour
Sharma Rajeev, Sharma R K


1998:: Volume 41 Issue 1

Employment , Equity and Growth
Mathur Ashok

Human Resource Development with Particular Reference to Kerala
Raj K N

Organising the Unorganised Labour : Myth , Reality and Possibility
Mishra L

Impact of Health Status on Wages and Labour Supply of Men and Women
Duraisamy P, Sathiyavan D

General Strikes in the Periphery : A Cliometric Analysis , 1909 - 1985
Kowalewski David

Pay Discrimination by Gender in the Corporate Sector : A Case Study
Singh Manjari, Bhattacherjee Debashish

Employment Reduction under Reforms and the Productivity of Sick PSES : A Learning Curve Analysis
Rameshan P

The Position of Return Migrant Women in the Informal Farm and Non - Farm Labour Markets in Nigeria
Arene C J, Aneke G C

Neither Here Nor there ? Informal Sector Workers in South Gujarat
Kannan K P, Raman K Ravi

Employment Generation in Small Scale Industries in Gujarat
Sidhu Hina

Closure of Undertakings : Issues and Concerns
Rao E M

XXXIX Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics : A Report,Omkarnath G
Shanta N, Mohankumar S, Raj Nikhi

Seminar on Informal Sector - Emerging Perspectives in Development : A Report

1998:: Volume 41 Issue 2

Poverty in India and Indian States : An Update
Gaurav Datt

Choosing Among the Equals : Beneficiary Selection for Anti - Poverty Programmes
Rao V M, Naidu V J, Raju K V

Estimation of Causal Model of Absenteeism
Price James L

Maharashtra s Employment Guarantee Scheme : Regional Patterns , Scope for Reforms and Replication
Ranade Ajit

Structural Reforms and Employment Issues in India : A Case of Industrial Labour
Alam Moneer, Mishra S N

Employment , Unemployment and Underemployment : An Analysis
Ray P K

Structural Reforms and their Impact on Employment Generation in India : An Input - Output Approach
Sharma S P, Saxena K K

Gender. Earnings and Discrimination in Pakistan, Ashraf Javed
Ashraf Birijees

Fixation and Enforcement of Minimum Wages
Das Subesh K

Genderwise Minimum Wages , Wage Differentials and Determinants : A Micro Analysis of Agricultural Labourers
Nirmala V, Ramesh R, Anpazhagn A Jude, Subodh K

Labour Supply Curve : Looking Backward
Chaubey P K

Estimation of Economic Role and Contribution of Women Across Different Approaches
Kishtwaria J, Ogale N, Nanavati A

Socio - Economic Profile of Working Married Women : A Case Study of the Chittagong Metropolitan Area
Bangladesh, Hossain Abul,omar Haider Siddique Shahriar, Nazmul Bashar, Siddique Mohiuddin

World Labour Report , 1997 - 98

1998:: Volume 41 Issue 3

Informal Sector in India : Conceptual and Estimational Issues in the Context of the U.N. System of National Accounts
Kulshreshtha A C

Information Base for the Informal Sector
Suryanarayanan S S

Employment in the Informal Sector
Mitra Arup

Informal Manufacturing Sector in Urban India : Sectoral Trends and Interdependencies
Kundu Amitabh, Lalitha N

Scalar Linkages in Industries : Implications for Productivity and Employment
Shah Amita

Informalisation of Employment and Incidence of Poverty in Ahmedabad
Mahadevia Darshini

Meeting the Credit Needs of the Micro Enterprise Sector : Issues in Focus
Nair Tara S

Organisation and Economic Performance of Manufacturing Activities in Urban Slums of Hyderabad City : A Case Study of Sandal Making Activity
Rani G Swaroopa, Galab S

Discrimination , Time Allocation and Migration : A Study of Unorganised Women
Patrick Martin

1998:: Volume 41 Issue 4

Migration and the Labour Market in India
, Srivastava Ravi

Migration of Labour in India
Gill Sucha Singh

Migration and Development
D souza Errol

Sources of Data on Migration and Recent Trends
Narasimhan R L, Chandra Harish

Internal Migration , Remittance and Determinants of Remittance : An Empirical Analysis
Santhapparaj A Solucis

Rural - Urban Migration : The Role of Push and Pull Factors Revisited
Singh S P, Aggarwal R K

Determinants of Selectivity Bias of Migration
Paul P James Daniel

Socio - Economic Variables and Process of Migration in Sugar Industry of Punjab
Krishan Chand, Singhal K C, Modi Sanjay

Economic Transformation of Tribals in Tamil Nadu : Causes of Migration and its Employment Pattern , 1792 - 1991
Saravanan Velayutham

Migration of Agricultural Labourers in Chhatisgarh Region of Madhya Pradesh : A Micro Level Study
Gupta S P, Prajapati B L

A Study on Migrant Agricultural Labour in Punjab
Sidhu M S, Rangi P S

Out Migration from Rural Bihar : A Case Study
Bipin Kumar, Singh B P, Singh Rita

Labour Migration from a Backward Region of Orissa
Mahapatra Mihir Kumar

Migrant Workers in a Coal Mine Region of Orissa
Samal Kishor C, Mishra Surjit

The Trend and Dimension of Urban Labour Migration in Western India
Kohli Anju, Kothari Sadhna

Migrant Construction Workers in Goa
Silvia M De Mendoncae Noronha

Indian Immigration to Canada : Some Aspects
Singh Surjit

Wage Policy in India : A Review
Anant T C A, Sundaram K

Consumption Efficiency Hypothesis , Credit - Labour Interlinkage and Moral Hazard : Issues in the Economics of Wage Policy
Chatterjee Biswajit, Kundu Amit

Regional Trends, Patterns and Determinants of Agricultural Wages in India
Haque T

Labour Absorption and Agricultural Wages in the Pre and Post Liberalisation Period : A Study in Andhra Pradesh
Reddy P Prudhvikar, D Sree Rama Raju

Wages and Employment in the Unorganised Sector : Issues in Wage Policy
Jeemol Unni

Wage Policy Issues in the Informal Sector
Subesh K Das

A Critical Evaluation of Central Pay Commission Reports with Special Reference to the Fifth Pay Commission
Bhat K Sham, Nirmala V

Wages and Productivity in Indian Public Enterprises
Aggarwal Suresh Chand

Wage Productivity Relations in Agro - Based Industries
Patel N T, Madalsa Gandhi

Employment , Wages and Productivity in Public Sector Enterprises in India
Ghuman Ranjit Singh, Singh Lakhwinder

Accounting for Wage Differentials in an Organised Labour Market in India
Duraisamy P, Duraisamy Malathy

Earnings Differentials Between Public and Private Sector in India
Madheswaran S

Fair Wages : The Role of the Adjudication Forum in India
Ryan Patrick

International Labour Standards and India
Venkata Ratnam C S

Linking International Labour Standards with Trade : Implications for India
Nath G B

International Labour Standards in India : Some Key Issues
Mitra Partha Pratim, Kaushal Agrim

Labour Standards and Poverty in India : Emerging Issues
Sharma S S P, Swain H K, Promod Kumar

Raising Labour Standards in India Through Tripartite Consultations : An Alternative to Trade - Linkage Approach
Singh Manjari

International Labour Standards and India : The Case of Women Labour
Odeyar D Heggade


1999:: Volume 42 Issue 1

41st Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics : Call for Papers

Network on Organised Labour in the 21st Century

Employment Perspective

Employment and Poverty : Some Emerging Policy Issues
Hashim S R

From Employment Planning to Employment Policies
Alagh Yoginder K

Retraining for Redeployment : NRF Initiative and Challenge in Training
Chandra Ashoka

Policymaking for Agricultural Development why it Misses the Poor
Rao V M

Labour Standards and Structural Adjustment
Deshpande L K

An Econometric Analysis of the Worker Choice Between Public and Private Sector
Lakshmanasamy T, Ramasamy S

Flexibility , Collectivity and Labour : Contextualising the Industrial Cluster Debate in India
Das Keshabananda

40th Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics : A Report

1999:: Volume 42 Issue 2

Labour Studies in India : Some Reflections on Developments in the Post Independence Period
Papola T S

Explaining Return to Education Among the Self - Employed in a Semi - Agrarian Setup
Acharya Sarthi

Employment and Wages in India : Pre and Post Reform Scenario
Shariff Abusaleh, Gumber Anil

Gross Domestic Product and Employment in the Informal Sector of the Indian Economy
Kulshreshtha A C, Singh Gulab

Explaining Work Participation Pattern in Rural Rajasthan
Mehta B C

Rural Non - Farm Employment in Himachal Pradesh 1971 - 1991 : A District Level Study
Sharma H R, Virender Kumar, Sharma R K

Interventions in the Rural Labour Market : The Case of Integrated Rural Development Programme in Kerala
George T M

Strike Incidence in Manufacturing and the Business Cycle in India
Ghosh Saibal

Growth , Composition and Determinants of Rural Non - Farm Employment in Arunachal Pradesh
Panda Bhagirathi

ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

Employability in the Global Economy : How Training Matters

1999:: Volume 42 Issue 3

Introduction,Dev S Mahendra
Mamgain Rajendra P

Poverty , Exclusion and Insecurity : Issues and Policy Frameworks
Rodgers Gerry

Social Security Systems in Low Income Countries : An Overview from an Institutional Perspective
Jutting Johannes

An Overview of Social Security in India
Dev S Mahendra

Effectiveness of Public Distribution System As a Provider of Food Security
Ruddar Datt

Health and Human Security : Some Considerations for Priority Setting
A K Shiva Kumar

Inequality and Education Security
Srivastava Ravi S

Social Security in Unorganised Sector in India : How Secure are the Scheduled Castes ?
Thorat Sukhadeo

Ageing , Macro Economic Implications and Health Insurance Requirements in India : An Exploratory Analysis
Alam Moneer, Agarwal R N

Some Micro - Level Arrangements of Social Security in Andhra Pradesh
Galab S

Financing Social Security in India : A Human Development Perspective
Prabhu K Seeta, Iyer Sandhya V

1999:: Volume 42 Issue 4

Women in the Emerging Labour Market
Banerjee Nirmala

A Post - Modernist Enquiry into Women s Workforce Participation
Thakur Atanu

Women , Work and Domestic Duties : Income Planning for Housewives
Kalpagam U

Gender - Based Segregation in the Indian Labour Market
Rothboeck Sandra, Acharya Sarthi

Women in the Professional and Technical Labour Market in India : Gender Discrimination in Education , Employment and Earnings
Duraisamy Malathy, Duraisamy P

Female Work Participation in the Emerging Labour Market in India
Nirmala V, Bhat K Sham

Informal Sector : Women in the Emerging Labour Market
Unni Jeemol, Uma Rani

Women in the Unorganised Manufacturing Sector in India : A Sectoral Analysis
Lalitha N

Emerging Urban Labour Market for Women in Urban Slums : A Tale of Three Slums in Mumbai
Deshpande Sudha

The Tobacco Industry and Women s Employment : Old Concerns and New Imperatives
Sudarshan Ratna, Kaur Rupinder

Changing Cropping Pattern and Employment Conditions of Women Workers : A Case Study
Padma K

Economic Transformation of Tribal Women in Tamil Nadu : 1947 - 1997
Saravanan Velayutham

Women Entrepreneurs : Their Problems and Constraints
Punitha M, Sangeetha S, Padmavathi K

Changing Economic Structure and Labour Institutions in India : Some Reflections of Emerging Perspectives on Organising the Unorganised
Kannan K P

Labour Market Institutions , Real Wages and Macroeconomic Outcomes
Goyal Ashima

Changing Economic Structure and Future of Trade Unions
Ramaswamy E A

Economic Structure , State and Trade Union
Gill Sucha Singh

Major Issues Before Trade Unions in India : Need to Reorient Demands
Arun Kumar

Flexible Production and Labour Market Outcomes : A Case Study of Cotton Knitwear Industry
Vijayabaskar M

Changing Economic Structure and Rural Labour Institutions : Micro Level Evidence from Maharashtra
Ghanekar-kajale Jayanti

Caste and Labour Market Discrimination,Thorat Sukhadeo
Deshpande R S

Legal Regulation of Labour Market
Navin Chandra

Impact of Restructuring of the Bombay Textile Industry on Labour and Labour Institutions
Kulkarni Suchita

Trade , Technology and Employment : Some Missing Links in India s Rural Economy
Chadha G K

Efficiency Wage , Employment , Technology and National Welfare in an Open Economy, Chatterjee Biswajit
Kundu Amit

Trade - Technology - Employment Interface : Evidence from Indian Industries
Singh S P, Agarwal R K

Trade - Technology Relations and its Implication for Employment
Patel N T, Gandhi Madalsa

Technology Imports and Employment in Large Engineering Firms in India : Pre - And Post - Reforms Scenario
Goldar Bishwanath, Anita Kumari

Impact of Trade and Technology on Employment : A Study of the Indian Software Industry
Singh Manjari, Nandini S

Labour Abundance and Global Patterns of Investments and Trade by Multinationals : Implications for India
Nagesh Kumar

Trade , Technology and Wage Effects of HTE Economic Policy Reforms on the Indian Private Corporate Sector
Dholakia Ravindra H, Kapur Deepak

Impact of Trade Liberalisation on Technology Accumulation and Employment Generation in India
Nath Golak B

Trade , Technology and Employment Generation in India
Ajay Kumar


2000:: Volume 43 Issue 1

Employment and Unemployment in a Society in Transition
Hashim S R

Economic Reforms and Human Resource Development
Patil Balasaheb Vikhe

Trickle Down Theory Revisited : The Role of Employment and Poverty
Gupta S P

Basic Human Rights , Core Labour Standards and Relative Educational Deprivation of Youth in India
Chaudhri D P

Trade , Technology and Employment : A Profile of Systemic Dilemmas and Paradoxes
Panchamukhi V R

The Future of the Labour Movement : Some Observations on Developing Countries
Jose A V

Migration , Remittances and Family Ties in Urban Informal Sector
Duraisamy P, Narasimhan S

Education , Employment and Earnings for Scientific and Technical Workforce in India : Gender Issues
Madheswaran S, Shroff Sangeeta

Powerlooms in Silk Weaving : Case Studies from Karnataka
Roychowdhury Supriya

41st Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics : A Report

42nd Isle Annual Conference : Invitation for Papers

2000:: Volume 43 Issue 2

Structural Change , Structural Adjustment and the Challenge to Union Function
Reddy Narasimha

Role of Female Labour Force Participation in Rural Poverty and Non - Farm Employment : Indian Experience
Misra V N

Minimum Wage Legislation and its Impact on Rural Wage Formation : A Study of Agricultural Labourers in Kerala
Mohanakumar S, Sharma R K

Workers and Earnings in Informal Manufacturing : Evidence and Issues in Estimation, Keshab Das, 261 Health Care Burden on Households in the Informal Sector : Impkications for Social Security Assistance
Gumber Anil

Arresting Out - Migration : Some Policy Considerations for Uttaranchal
Bora R S

Labour Market Experiences of South Asia - Born Women in Vancouver
Canada, Nanavati Arti

Towards Human Development : Glimpses from India and Selected States
Rao V M

Female Employment in Agriculture : A District - Wise Analysis of Haryana
Tuteja Usha

Human Development in Andhra Pradesh : A District Level Analysis
Mahanty Ghanshyam

Incidence of Poverty in Tribal Areas of Andhra Pradesh : An Assessment
Parthasarthy G

2000:: Volume 43 Issue 3

Labour Markets and Employment in Economic Growth of East and South - East Asia : Some Key Issues
Mazumdar Dipak

Impact of Asian Financial Crisis on Labour Markets , Income Distribution and Poverty : A Comparative Study of Five Countries
Mazumdar Dipak, Horton Susan

Long - Term Trends and Economic Crisis in Korean Social Sector
Kakwani Nanak, Hyun H Son

Crisis and Reforms in Korea s Labour Market, Ju-ho Lee
Dae-ii Kim

Impact of Thai Crisis on Labour and Vulnerable Workers
Behrman Jere R, Tinakorn Pranee

Indonesian Labour Markets : Adjusting to Crisis and Slow Recovery
Manning Chris

Labour Market Issues in China : Shocks and Challenges Emanating from Asian Crisis
World Bank

2000:: Volume 43 Issue 4

Youth Unemployment in India : Past Policy Gaps and Future Strategic Options
Chadha G K

Youth and Unemployment in Perspective : The Indian Context
Chaubey P K

Trends in Youth Unemployment in India : An Empirical Analysis
Aggarwal Suresh Chand, Goyal J K

Correlates of Unemployment Among Rural Youth in India : An Inter - State Analysis
Gumber Anil

Gender Dimensions of Youth Unemployment in India
Kalpagam U

Employment and Unemployment of Youth, Parthasarathy G
Nirmala K A

Educated Unemployment in Punjab
Gill Sucha Singh

Youth Unemployment in Punjab : A Review
Nagaich Sangeeta

Unemployment and Employment of Educated Youth in Kerala
Sunny Dolly

Youth Unemployment in Karnataka
Degaonkar Chaya

Employment Generation Through Entrepreneurship Development
Bhat S Ganesh

Prime Minister s Rozgar Yogana in Bangalore : An Appraisal
Mahadeva M

Enhancing Employability of Youth Through Education and Training
Mamgain Rajendra P, Parashar Vandana

Globalisation , Information Technology Revolution and Service Sector in India
Unni Jeemol, Uma Rani

What Explains Services Sector Growth ?,
D souza Errol

Income and Employment Growth in Service Sector in India
Madheswaran S, Dharmadhikary Amita

Services Sector and Employment
Suryanarayanan S S

Employment Generation in India s Service Sector
Singh Bishwa Nath

Genderwise Determinants of Higher Occupational Scales in Service Sector
Bhat K Sham, Nirmala V

Women Employment in Tertiary Sector : Quantity Vs Quality
Dutta Indira

Tertiarisation of Employment in Kerala : Role of Employment Generation Programmes
George T M

Tertiary Sector and Employment Generation in Goa, Silvia Maria De

Qualifications and Emoluments of Research Personnel in India s Science and Technology Sectors : A Cross - Section Study
Chadha Vikram

Small Information Technology Services , Employment and Entrepreneurship Development : Some

Explorations into Indian Experience
Nagesh Kumar

Health Insurance for Rural Poor and Employment, Chatterjee Biswajit
Kundu Amit

Employment in Private Hotel Enterprises of Nagaland
Panda N M, Mishra B

Labour Use Efficiency of Banking Sector in India
Shanmugam K R, Lakshmanasamy T

Banking Sector Employment in India : Emerging Trends and Pattern
Alok Anand

Productivity Variation of Workforce in Indian Railways
Nanavati Arti, Patel B C

Capital Intensity , Output , Employment and Productivity : A Study of Two Service Industries
Patel N T, Gandhi Madalsa

Competitive Labour Policies and Labour Laws in Indian States
Ratnam C S Venkata

Regional Patterns of Industrial Relations in India : Changing Scenario After Liberalisation
Datt Ruddar

Trends in Work Stoppages on Account of Industrial Disputes
Ram G S, Ahluwalia A S

Regional Patterns of Incidence of Industrial Conflict in India , 1967 - 95
Shyam Sundar K R

Spatial Configurations of Industrial Relations, Surendra Pratap
Navin Chandra

Changing Face of Trade Unions in a Liberalised Economy
Dhal Manoranjan, Srivastava Kailash B L

Labour Flexibility and Industrial Relations : A Study of Organised Manufacturing Sector in India
Sarkar Sandip, Karan Anup K

Labour Standards , Regulation Theory and Regional Response : A Study of Three Towns
Das Kalyan


2001:: Volume 44 Issue 1

Can Globalisation and Labour Rights Coexist?
Mishra Lakshmidhar

Decent Work as a Development Objective
Rodgers Gerry

Employment and Wage Earnings of Agricultural Labourers: A State-wise Analysis
Sharma H R

Labour in the New Economy: Case of the Indian Software Industry
M Vijayabaskar, Rothboeck Sandra, Gayathri V

Union Behaviour and Capital Choice in Small Open Economies
Ghosh Saibal

Risk, Labour and Capital: Concern for Safety in Colonial and Post-colonial Coal Mining
Mukhopadhyay Asish

New Technology and Artisanal Fishermen in Kerala
P Suresh Kumar

2001:: Volume 44 Issue 2

Multiple Employment and its Implications for Estimation of Gross Domestic Product
Kar Aloke, Singh Gulab, Kulshreshtha A C

Women and Service Sector Employment: The Global Context
Rodgers Janine

Employment Linkages of Industrial Growth in Rural Economy: Evidence from an Industrial Estate in Gujarat
Shah Amita

Technology, Factor Substitution and Employment generation at the Firm Level: A Case of Automobile Industry in India
Panda Hrushikesh

Poverty and Inequality in Indian Metropolises
Dubey Amaresh, Mahadevia Darshini

Excluding the Majority : Workers, Producers and Categories of Employment
Jhabvala Renana

Fragmentation of Workforce in India: Implications for Industrial Relations
Mitra P P

Diversification of Agriculture and Women Employment in Punjab
Gill Kanwaljit Kaur

Technology and Labour Process in Marine Fishery: The Kerala Experience
Rajasenan D

2001:: Volume 44 Issue 3

Globalisation and Organised Labour: Editor s Introduction
Venkata Ratnam C S

Labour Markets and Economic Reform under the Washington Consensus: What Happened to Income Inequality?
Rolph van der Hoeven

Equity in Employment in Selected Countries
Jain Harish C

Labouring for Advantage: Worker Stakes in a Globalising Economy
Verma Anil, Gunderson Morley

Globalisation and Workers in Developing Countries: Can Social Partnership Become a Model for Industrial Relations?
Das Subendu

Labour Flexibility in India
Deshpande L K

Social Effects of Privatisation in South Asia
Joshi Gopal

Strengthening Social Dialogue Institutions in Export Processing Zones in Bangladesh
Sivananthiran A

Globalisation and Workplace Relations in Electronics Industry in India, China, Malaysia and the Philippines
Kuruvilla Sarosh, Frankel Stephen

2001:: Volume 44 Issue 4

Secure Livelihoods
D Souza Errol,

Socio-economic Security in the Context of Pervasive
D Souza Errol

Socio-economic Security in the Context of Pervasive Poverty: A Case Study of India
Prabhu K Seeta

Social Protection for Informal Workers
Unni Jeemol, Uma Rani

Social Security for Women Workers in the Unorganised SectorJhabvala Renana, Sinha Shalini

Health Security and Occupational Safety for Informal Migrant Workers: The Case of Bakery Industry
Dewan Ritu

Social Protection for Urban Informal Sector Workers: Micro Evidence from Erode District
Tamil Nadu, Ambalavanan V, Madheswaran S

Impact of Social Security Initiatives in Unorganised Sector: The Case of Women Beedi Workers in Rural Areas of Tamil Nadu
Saravanan Velayutham

Social Security for Unorganised Sector in India: A Need for Comprehensive Reforms
S Vijaya Kumar, Subbayamma G

Improving Quality of Life among Informal Industrial Workers: Lessons from an Innovative Approach
Shah Amita

Economic Reforms, Redundancy and National Renewal Fund: Human Face or Human Mask?
Datta Ramesh C

Retraining and Redeployment
Venkata Ratnam C S

Redundancy or Labour Hoarding: The Experience of Indian Manufacturing Sector
Seth Vijay K, Aggarwal Suresh Chand

Technological Progress, Redundancy and Rehabilitation of Workers: A Theoretical Note
Majumder Bhaskar

Workers Displacement: Sources of Support and Coping
Noronha Ernesto

Voluntary Retirement Scheme in Banking Industry
Meera Lal

Turnaround Without Tears: A Case Study of Britannia, Delhi Branch
Srivastava D K

Economic Restructuring and Employment Adjustment : Lessons from Japanese Experience
Rao Hemlata

Rehabilitation of Redundant Workers : The NRF Experience
Mamgain Rajendra P, Parashar Vandana, Datta Indira

Changing Agrarian Relations in India: Some Reflections from Recent Data
Gill Sucha Singh, Ghuman Ranjit Singh

Irrigation, Agrarian Relations and Agricultural Labourers: A State-wise Analysis
Narayanamoorthy A, Deshpande R S

Labour under Contract Farming in India: Issues of Gender and Child Labour
Singh Sukhpal

Does Economic Reform Help Rural Labour?
Kalirajan Kaliappa

Changing Agrarian Structure and the Choice between Local Labourer and Migrant Labourer
Chatterjee Biswajit, Kundu Amit

Changes in Agrarian Structure in Andhra Pradesh and Nature of Agrarian Transition, 1970-71 to 1990-91
Parthasarathy G

Agrarian Transition and Rural Labour Markets: Evidence from Telangana Villages
Reddy A Sudarshan, Rao B Venkateshwar

Agrarian Transition and Rural Workforce Structure: Few Village Studies
Rao C Sivaramakrishna, Revathi E

Trends in Agricultural Wages and Agrarian Relations in Telangana Region of Andhra Pradesh during 1960-61 to 1999-2000
Reddy M Atchi, Nalla Sneha

Changes in Agrarian Relations in Twentieth Century Bihar
Sharma K K, Singh Parmanand

Transforming the Tribal Economy: Labour Organisation and Agricultural Labourers in Maharashtra
Ghanekar Jayanti

Casualisation of Agricultural Labour in Punjab
Rangi P S, Sidhu M S, Singh Harjit

Changing Nature of Wage Contract in a Developing Agricultural Region: A Study of Three Villages of Eastern Uttar Pradesh
Singh Rajendra Prasad, Singh Srishna

Indebtedness of Rural Households and Labour Productivity
Sharma R K, Meher Surendra


2002:: Volume 45 Issue 1

Agricultural Growth, Employment and Poverty: A Policy Perspective
Radhakrishna R

Globalisation : The Eight Crises of Social Protection
Standing Guy

Changing Agrarian Relations and Rural Labour: Certain Emerging Issues
Reddy Narasimha

Employment and Unemployment Situation in the Nineties: How Good are the NSS Data?
Hirway Indira

Agricultural Wages in India: A Study of States and Regions
Sarmah Sasank

Indices of Labour Market Regulation: Principles and Cases
Downes Andrew S

Human Development : India in the World Context
Datt Ruddar

2002:: Volume 45 Issue 2

Growth-mediated and Support-led Social Security in the Unorganised Sector in India
Dev S Mahendra

The Welfare Fund Model of Social Security for Informal Sector Workers: The Kerala Experience
Kannan K P

Employment-Unemployment in India
Bhole L M, Dash P

Democracy, Development and New Forms of Social Movements: A Case Study of Indigenous People's Struggles in Kerala
Sreekumar T T, Parayil Govindan

How Have Hired Workers Fared?: A Case Study of Women Workers from a Tamil Nadu Village, 1977 to 1999
Ramachandran V K, Swaminathan Madhura, Rawal Vikas

Global Labour Flexibility
Deshpande L K

Can We Solve Employment and Unemployment Problem?
Ray P K, Mittal K K

Employment Policies and the Unorganised Sector
Datt Ruddar

State, Social Security and Unorganised Sector in India: Relevance of New Employees Pension Scheme, 1995
Eashvaraiah P, Suhasini B

Lessons in Regulating the Informal Sector: The Case of the Rickshaw Pullers' Sector in Delhi
Mitra Siddhartha

Consultative Workshop on Food Insecurity and Child Work: A Report
Ramachandran Nira

2002:: Volume 45 Issue 3

Child Labour and Poverty: The Poverty of Analysis
Lieten G K

Girl Child Labour : Regional Dimensions and Motivations
Rustagi Preet

Child Labour in Rural India: A Micro-Economic Perspective
Nielsen Helena Skyt, Dubey Amaresh

Child Labour in South Asia: Domestic and International Initiatives Including ILO and WTO
Castle R, Chaudhri D P, Nyland C

Child Labour in Technologically Backward Small Industrial Capitalist Enterprises: Towards a Micro Socio-Economics
D Mello Bernard

Globalisation, Demographic Pressures and Child Labour Standards
Chaudhri D P, Nyland Chris

Dimensionss of Children's Work in the Cotton Knitwear Industry in Tiruppur
Vijaybaskar M

Situational Analysis of Child Labour in Karnataka
Gayathri V

Child Rights, Child Labour and Education: A Study of the Legal Regime
Mehendale Archana

Eliminating Child Labour : Do NGO Interventions Add up to a Strategy?,
Wazir Rekha

Elimination of Child Labour: Corporate Options and Public Action
Bissell Susan L, Chadha Shweta Gandhi, Shiva Kumar A K

2002:: Volume 45 Issue 4

Technical Skills, Education and Economic Development in India
Mathur Ashok, Mamgain Rajendra P

Industrial Labour Force, Higher Education, Gender and Skill Formation: Some Issues
Swaminathan Padmini

Firms, Nations and Training
D Souza Errol

Education, Skills and Training: Some Perceptions
Singh Surjit

Education : The Gandhian Approach
Singh Ram Binod

Skill Development in the Changing Global Context, Agrawal Rashmi
Naqvi Talmeez Fatma

Knowledge and Skills in a Global Economy: A Dialectic of Inclusion and Exclusion
Dutta Indira

Education, Skills and the Labour Market in a Globalised World: A Case of India
Sharma R K, M Satish Kumar, Meher Surendra

Technical Education in India: Some Emerging Issues
Singh S P

Decent Work in the Informal Sector: Training Issues
Ray P K

Primitive Flexible to Modern Flexible Manufacturing and the Process of Skilling and Deskilling of Labour
Seth Vijay K

Education and Skill Development of Workers Engaged in Small and Tiny Enterprises
Sahu Partha Pratim

Skill Formation and Institutions: Case Studies in Good Practices
Awasthi Dinesh

Upgrading the Educational Attainment and Skill Level of Karnataka Workforce: Challenges and Options
Bashir Sajitha

Skill Mapping and Skill Development for Employability: The Case of Cuttack
Satpathy Anoop K, Mishra Jimuta P, Prakash Nishith

Skill Development and Employment Generation: A Case Study of Jabalpur District
Madhya Pradesh, Sasikumar S K

Employability in Degree Level Vocational Stream
Anil K, Berry V K, Joseph Jerry

Employability Pattern of ITI Graduates: A Profile of the Vocational Education System
Prakash B S, Gupta K P

Skill Development among Rural Poor: An Impact Analysis of TRYSEM
Ghosh D K

Gender Inequality in Education and Information Dissemination: A Study of Dairy Sector of Punjab
Kaur Rupinder, Sudarshan Ratna M

Enhancing Employability Through Vocational Training: The Institutional Way
Chhikara M S, Singh Jasbir

Organising Labour : The Question of Form and Content
Chandra Navin

Coping with Economic Liberalisation: Alternative Trade Union Strategies
Bhowmik Sharit K

Wage-Productivity-Profitability in Indian Industry and Labour Market Institutions: Whither Trade Unions?
Banerjee Debdas

Emerging Patterns of Organising the Women Workers: Interventions of Development Agencies
Antony Piush

Working for Autonomy? Differentiating Women's Work in India
Agarwala Rina

A Social Platform for Women Workers: The Case of Working Women's Forum (India)
Kalpagam U, Rajgopalan Srividya

Micro-Credit Groups: How Empowering? The Economic and Social Context
Prakash Aseem

Mutah Labour: An Organising Practice of Agricultural Labourers in South India
Rajasekhar D

Global Challenges and Local Action: Organisational Dimensions of Anti-Mining Movement in Kashipur Orissa,
Mishra Deepak Kumar

Informalisation of Production and Changing Labour Relations in Handloom Silk Weaving of Kancheepuram
Ramesh Babu P

Rural Non-Farm Employment in India: What Does Recent Experience Teach Us?
Chadha G K

Rural Non-farm Employment and the Unorganised Sector in India
, Bhalla Sheila

Employment Diversification in Rural India: A State Level Analysis
Bhaumik S K

Rural Non-farm Employment in India: Spatial, Variations and Temporal Change
Srivastav Nirankar, Dubey Amaresh

Determinants of Rural Non-farm Employment: An Analysis of 256 Districts, Narayanamoorthy A
Rodrigues Queenie, Phadnis Ashwini

Rural Non-farm Employment in India and Globalisation: A Critical Analysis
Chatterjee Biswajit, Kundu Amit

Employment Generation Through Credit Linked Non-farm Activities
Kulkarni B N, Samantara Samir R

Mineral-based Industries in Backward Regions: Scope for Sustainable Employment
Shah Amita, Hirway Indira

Determinants of Inter-district Variations in Rural Non-farm Employment in Andhra Pradesh
Mecharla Prasada Rao

Rural Non-farm Activities in Telangana Region of Andhra Pradesh : A Review of Evidence from Two Villages
Rao B Venkateshwar, Reddy A Sudarshan

Development of Rural Non-farm Activities Through Institutional Credit
Badatya K C

Non-farm Employment in Rural Punjab, Ghuman Ranjit Singh
Sukhpal, Singh Balwinder

Nature and Determinants of Rural Non-farm Activities in Punjab
Sidhu H S, Toor Jasdeep Singh

Rural Non-farm Sector in Punjab: Problems, Potential and Constraints
Mahajan R K

Rural Non-farm Employment: A Case Study of Flour Mills in Punjab
Rangi P S, Sidhu M S, Kaur Gurpreet, Sachdeva Jatinder

Rural Livelihood Diversification and Operationalising Income-generating Activities Through SHGs in the Watershed Context
Sudan Falendra K

Rural Non-farm Employment in Doda District
Krishna Sridhar

Rural Non-farm Employment in India: A Study of Handicraft Artisans of Madhubani District
Dalip Kumar

Scope of Ethanol Blending with Gasoline and Its Impact on Direct and Indirect Employment Generation in Rural and Urban India
Bedi Jatinder S

Education, Skill Development and Changing Labour Market
Ramachandran H


2003:: Volume 46 Issue 1

National Commission on Labour and Review of Labour Laws
Datt Ruddar

Information and Communication Technologies and Indian Development: A Report on an International Seminar
Gayathri V, Vijaybaskar M

44th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics: A Report

'Borderlands of Economics': Institutions, Politics and Culture in the Explanation of Economic Change
Harriss John

Paradigms in the Historical Approach to Labour Studies
Bhattacharya Sabyasachi

Work, Livelihoods and Rights
Nayyar Deepak

Women Organising for Socio-economic Security
Dasgupta Sukti

Unemployment in India in the Post-liberalisation Era
Bhaumik S K

Informal Sector: An Indian Perspective
Sanjay Kumar, Sharma N K

2003:: Volume 46 Issue 2

New Forms of Workers' Organisations: Towards a System of Representation and Voice
Jhabvala Renana

Changing World Economic Order and World of Workers: New Trends in Organising Labour
Reddy D Narasimha

Improving Estimates of the Number and Economic Contribution of Home-based Producers in Urban India
Kantor Paula

The Causal Relationship between Female Employment and Fertility in South Asia: An Application of the Bounds Testing Approach to Co-Integration
Narayan Paresh Kumar, Smyth Russell

Globalisation and Industrial Labour Markets in South Asia: Some Aspects of Adjustment in a Less Integrated Region
Ramaswamy K V

Labour Productivity, International Labour Standards and Developing Countries
Krishnakumar S

Trade Unions and New Strategies for Organising Labour: New Wine in Old Bottle?
Shyam Sundar K R

Reining in the Lesser Lords: "Social Structures of Accumulation" in India's Informal Economy
Sebastian Gilbert

2003:: Volume 46 Issue 3

Introduction : Social Impediments in a Globalising World
Lieten G K

Discourses on Poverty
Mestrum Francine

Meeting "Felt Aspirations" : Towards a New Paradigm of Development
Gupta Dipankar

Less Growth, More Inequality: What's Wrong with Globalisation
Robert Went

Globalisation, Exclusion and Social Policy
Arjan de Haan

Protecting Labour Locally against Capital Investing Globally: Informalisation, Feminisation and Sub-contracted Home Work
Mehrotra Santosh

Capital Flows, Changing Patterns of Work and Gendered Migration: Implications for Women in China and South-east Asia
Ghosh Jayati

Global Apartheid: Responses to Global Rule in Sub-Saharan Africa
Passtoors Helene

The Wall Around the Welfare State in Europe: International Migration and Social Exclusion
Engbersen Godfried

2003:: Volume 46 Issue 4

Changes in the World of Work
Ghosh Jayati

The Pervasiveness of Self-employment
D'Souza Errol

Labour in a Globalised World and Workers in a Localised Economy: Employment and Mobility
Majumder Bhaskar

Role of Ownership and Organisational Forms in Labour Market Outcomes: An Exploratory Analysis
Datar Madhav K, Basu Parikshit K

New Technology and the Indian Labour Market
Mitra Siddhartha

The Changing World of Work and No-work
Mukherjee Dipa

Labour and Industrialisation in Kerala
Thomas Jayan Jose

Workers in the Time of Economic Reforms: A Field Report
Jha Praveen

Globalisation: The Impact on Port and Dock Workers in India
Noronha Ernesto

Emerging Pattern of Industrial Relations: From Reality Check to Some Speculation
Thakur C P

Dynamics of New Industrial Relations and Postulates of Industrial Justice
Saini Debi S

Workers' Struggles in Times of Globalisation: A Critique of Trade Unions in Historical Perspective
Varman Rahul, Chakrabarti Manali

Decline of Trade Union Power in India
Sen Gupta Anil K

Industrial Conflicts in India in the Reform Decade
Shyam Sundar K R

Strikes and Public Policy: Indian Evidence,Bhattacharjee Arnab
Ghosh Saibal

Union Effectiveness in Changing Industrial Relations Climate
Dhal Manoranjan, Srivastava Kailash B L

Lockouts Dominate Industrial Relations: A Case Study of West Bengal
Datt Ruddar

Workers' Participation in Strikes: A Study of Textile Workers in Punjab
Jyoti, Sidhu A S

Industrial Relations in Orissa: Emerging Scenario
Giri D V, Das P C

Industrial Dispute Manifestations and their Causes in State-owned Manufacturing Industries: The Case of Kerala
Jacob K K

Closure and Employee Separation: A Case Study, Sahoo Chandan Kumar
Tripathy Santosh Kumar

Changing Employment Structure in Large States of India: What do the NSSO Data Show?
Deshpande Sudha

Economic Reforms and Jobless Growth in India in the 1990s<br<>Bhattacharya B B, Sakthivel S</br<>

Structural Rigidity of the Workforce
Singh C S K

Changes in Workforce Structure in India
Bhatt P R

Changing Workforce Structure in India, 1981-2001: An Inter-State Study
Singh Ajit Kumar

Casulisation of the Workforce in India, 1983-2002
Bhaumik S K

Casulisation of Rural Workforce in India: Analysis of Recent Trends
Sahu Partha Pratim

Structural Transformation in an Agrarian Economy: A Study of India, 1970-2000
Hari K S

Inter-state Variations in Non-farm Rural Employment: Some Conclusions from 2001 Census Data
Gill Amrita Sher, Sawhney Upinder

Shifts in Policy Regime and Inter-Industry and Inter-Regional Changes in Industrial Workforce Structure
Seth Vijay K, Aggarwal Suresh Chand

Changing Structure of Workforce in Unorganised Manufacturing
Unni Jeemol, Uma Rani

Changing Structure of Female Workforce in India: An Inter-state Analysis
Raikhy P S, Mehra Anjali

Changes in Workforce Structure among Social Groups in Rural India

Adequacy of Existing Employment Data for Structural Analysis: Some Observations
Sanjay Kumar, Sharma N K

Changing Workforce Structure in India and Andhra Pradesh: 1961-2001
Venkateswarlu A

Emerging Trends in Workforce Structure of Uttar Pradesh
Mishra Nripendra Kishore

Changing Workforce Scenario in Uttar Pradesh in the Post-reform Period
Nomita P Kumar

Changing Profile of Occupations in Rural West Bengal: A District Level Analysis
Ghosh Dilip Kumar

Changing Workforce Structure among Social Groups in Rural Tamil Nadu
Saravanan Velayutham


2004:: Volume 47 Issue 1

Human Capital Base of the Indian Labour Market: Identifying Worry Spots
Chadha G K

On the Economics of "Open Economy" De-industrialisation
Patnaik Prabhat

India's Socially Regulated Economy
Barbara Harriss-White

Nanny State for Capital and Social Darwinism for the Workers
Bagchi Amiya Kumar

Labour Market Responses to Trade and Trade Structure: A Panel Study of the Malaysian Manufacturing
Devadason Evelyn

Multinationals and Labour Unions: Are their Interests Antithetical?,
Gangopadhyay Partha

Labour-Entrepreneur Relationship and Technological Investment: A Comparative Study of Howrah and Coimbatore Foundry Firms
Meenakshi Rajeev

Labour Mobility and Paradox of Rural Unemployment - Farm Labour Shortage: A Micro Level Study
Mahesh R

Women Workers in Bidi Rolling
Sarkar Siddhartha

Measurement of Non-Employment
Chaubey P K

Data on Lockouts in West Bengal : A Rejoinder
Gupta R K

2004:: Volume 47 Issue 2

Occupational Diseases and Provisioning of Health Care: A Case of Market Failures in Coal Mining
Sarkar Debasish, Husain Zakir, Bhattacharya N, Kanjilal Barun

Part-time Labour Force Participation of Pakistani Children: A Probit Analysis
Khan Rana Ejaz Ali, Ali Karamat

Can Irrigation Increase Agricultural Wages? : An Analysis Across Indian Districts
Narayanamoorthy A, Bhattarai Madhusudan

Education and Skill Development of Workforce in Noida Export Processing Zone
Neetha N

Changing Structure of Scientific and Technical Workforce in India's Industrial Sector
Chadha Vikram

Informal Manufacturing Sector in India: Pre- and Post-Reform Growth Dynamics
Mukherjee Dipa

Declining Poverty in India: A Decomposition Analysis
Bhanumurthy N R, Mitra Arup

Beyond Qualification of Poverty: Emerging Issues in Poverty Reduction
Radhakrishna R, Rao V M, Ray Shovan

Immigation into Canada: Some Issues
Singh Surjit

National Human Development Report 2001: A Critique
Datt Ruddar

Child Labour and Poverty: A Re-Examination of Cross-Regional Analysis
Padhi Satya Prasad

Household Handicrafts Labour in Kerala
Stephanson K A

Globalisation and Social Exclusion: A Report from World Social Forum
Antony Piush

2004:: Volume 47 Issue 3

Kannan K P, Rutten Mario

Demographic Regimes and the Social Reproduction of Labour
Bagchi Amiya Kumar

The Plurality of Labour, Capital and State in Asia: Some Reflections
Kannan K P, Rutten Mario

The Transformation of Migrant Indian and Javanese Labour: Natural Rubber Workers in Southeast Asia, 1900-2000
Gordon Alec

Of Peripheral Labour: Trajectories of the Dalit Labour in Southern Indian Plantations, 1820s-2001>
Raman K Ravi

The Captive Labour Force in Sindh
Pakistan, Lieten G K

When will the Farmers Unite?: The Long Road to Democracy in Rural Thailand
Lindberg Staffan

Globalisation, Employment and Social Protection: Emerging Perspectives for the Indian Workers
Papola T S

Commodity Chain, Upgrading and Labour: A View from the Coir Yarn Spinning Sites of Southern India
Rammohan K T

Re-emergence of Labour Brokers in China Today: The Xiamen Example
Minghuan Li

Coping with Crisis: Strategies of Indonesian Workers and Businessmen
Rutten Mario

Economic Security for a Better World (Document)

2004:: Volume 47 Issue 4

Human Capital Stocks, Their Level of Utilisation and Economic Development in India
Mathur Ashok, Mamgain Rajendra P

Wage Disparity and Human Capital Accumulation
Errol D'Souza

Technical Change and Workforce in India: Skill Biased Growth?.
Unni Jeemol, Uma Rani

Skill Development System in India
Shashi Bala

Dimensions and Perceptional Biases of Human Capital Base in the Indian Labour Markets
Rustagi Preet

Human Development and Tertiary Employment in Developing Countries
Joshi Seema

Human Capital Base of Labour Force among Social Groups in India: Emerging Issues and Challenges
Biradar R R

Workforce Participation of Women in Rural India: The Role of Education
Dubey Amaresh, Veronica Pala, Eugene D Thomas

Human Capital in Agriculture: Developmental Role, Current Stock, and Emerging Issues
Singh S P, Sharma S S P

Rural Labour Force Quality and Employability: A Case Study of Two Villages in Andhra Pradesh
Prasada Rao Mecharla

Effect of Education of Women on Their Earnings: Empirical Evidence from Orissa
Debi Sailabala

Human Capital and Labour Market in Rajasthan
Singh Surjit, Sagar Divyashri

Socio-economic Factors in Human Capital Formation through Education: The Case of Women in Kinnaur District of Himachal Pradesh
Negi Aparna

Human Capital Approach and Indian Labour Market: The Case of Information Technology Industry
Datar M K

Role of Education in Wage Determination in the Japanese Construction Sector
Koshal Manjulika, Koshal Rajindar, Gupta Ashok, Akkihal Chandra, Yuko Yamada,
Sasuke Miyazima etc

Labour Process and Productivity in Micro and Small Enterprises: The Indian Experience.
Awasthi Dinesh

Small and Micro Enterprises in a Globalising Economy: Some Perspectives on Policy Framework for their Integration
Papola T S

Productivity Growth in Small Enterprises: Role of Inputs, Technological Progress and 'Learning by Doing'.
Majumder Rajarshi

Productivity in the Small Manufacturing Enterprises: Determinants and Policy Issues.
Mukherjee Dipa

Micro and Small Enterprises in India: Status, Growth and Policy
Parashar Vandana

Labour Productivity in the Indian Unorganised Service Sector: Measurement Issues
Patterns and Determinants, Sharma R K, Abraham Vinoj

Unorganised Trading Sector in India: Employment and Productivity
Nomita P Kumar

Small Scale Industries in Karnataka: Impact of Growth, Sickness and Closure on Production and Employment.
Narayana M R

Employment Structure, Conditions and Productivity in Micro and Small Enterprises: Findings of a Field Survey in Uttar Pradesh
Singh A K, Joshi Ashutosh, Mehta G S

Employment Density and Linkages of Rural Non-farm Enterprises in Andhra Pradesh and Haryana


2005:: Volume 48 Issue 1

Challenges of Decent Work in the Globalising World
Reddy D Narasimha

Agrarian Distress: Strategies to Protect Vulnerable Sections
Vyas V S

Child Labour and Work: Numbers, from the General to the Specific
Lieten G K

The Pattern of Globalisation and some Implications for the Pursuit of Social Goals
Gerry Rodgers

Achieving Full Employment: Some Lessons from the Australian Experience
Chowdhury Anis

Controlling Informalisation: Punitive Versus Strategic Measures
Mitra Siddhartha

Women Workers, Entrepreneurs and Behavioural Rationality: A Case of Indian Garment Manufacturing
Chakravarty Deepita

Flexible Work Organisation, Human Resource Practices and Worker Perception in India: A Case Study of Bangalore City
Ota Hitoshi

Household Resources and Factor Market Adjustment: A Village Economy Investigation
Vijay R, Sreenivasulu Y

Some Notes on India's Software Manpower Strategy
Radhakrishnan K G

46th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics: A Report

A Report on the International Seminar on Wages and Incomes in India: Emerging Patterns and Perspectives
Nadhanael G V, Negi Aparna

World Employment Report 2004-05

Beedi Industry in Karnataka

2005:: Volume 48 Issue 2

High Wage-Low Productivity Organised Manufacturing and the Employment Challenge in India
Ghose Ajit K

Employment, Wage and Output Relationships in India: A Comparison of Pre and Post Reform Behaviour
Bhattacharya B B, Sakthivel S

Wage-productivity Relationship in Organised Manufacturing in India: A State-wise Analysis
Goldar Bishwanath, Banga Rashmi

Accounting for Wage Inequality in India
Dutta Puja Vasudeva

Trend of Factor Incomes Distribution in Indian Factories
Banerjee Debdas

Wages and Incomes in Formal and Informal Sectors in India
Unni Jeemol

Understanding Gender Inequalities in Wages and Incomes in India
Rustagi Preet

Regional Differences in Wage Premia and Returns to Education by Gender in India
Duraisamy P, Duraisamy Malathy

Economic Diversification and Poverty in Rural India
Yoko Kijima, Peter Lanjouw

Wages in Rural India: Sources, Trends and Comparability

Economic Reform and Agricultural Wages in India
Srivastava Ravi, Singh Richa

Economic Conditions of Agricultural Labour Households in 1990s: A State Level Analysis of Wage Earnings and Indebtedness
Sharma H R

2005:: Volume 48 Issue 3

Monopsony and Labour Market Flows and Policies
Alok Kumar

Urban Social Insurance and Worker Satisfaction in China: Implications for India
Bhattacharya Mita, Nielsen Ingrid, Nyland Chris, Smyth Russell, Zhang Mingqiong

Economically Active and Home-care Groups of Children in Pakistan: How Much They Differ?
Khan Rana Ejaz Ali, Ali Karamat

Living Standard in Delhi Slums: Consumption Expenditure, Housing and Ability to Save
Mitra Arup

Bonded Labour, Social Capital and Microfinance: Lessons from Two Case Studies
Guerin Isabelle, Venkatasubramanian G, Churchill Craig

Making Sense of Vocational Education Policies: A Comparative Assessment
Swaminathan Padmini

Rural Employment, Market Reforms and Gender Inequality in West Bengal
Basak Uma, Bhattacharyya Sudipta

Female Work Participation Rates in Rural West Bengal: A Village Level Analysis
Sinha Sucharita

Labour Market Policy in the New Caribbean Economy
Downes Andrew S

Multinationals in Indian Retail Sector, Wal-Mart and Industrial Relations Issues
Shyam Sundar K R

Human Capital in the Modernisation of Japan and India
Balatchandirane G

Real Earnings of Migrant Women in Urban Informal Sector: A Study in Tamil Nadu
Sundari S

Free Trade Zones and Employment in Developing Economies
Nath Smita

Skill Training Efforts and Labour Market in India
Ray P K

2005:: Volume 48 Issue 4

The Right to Work and Recent Legislation in India
Ghosh Jayati

Enhancing Livelihood Security through the National Employment Guarantee Act: Towards Effective Operationalisation of the Act
Hirway Indira

The Potential and Challenge of India's Rural Employment Guarantee Act
Gupta Smita

The Right to Work for the Self-employed in India
Unni Jeemol

Guaranteeing Employment : Revisiting Experience from Government Sponsored Programmes
Ghosh Dilip Kumar

Who Needs a 'Knowledge Economy'?: Information, Knowledge and Flexible Labour
Chandrasekhar C P

Knowledge Workers and Information Technology: Re-living Early English Industrial Revolution
Banerjee Debdas

New Technology and the Emerging Labour Market: A Study of Indian IT Industry
Abraham Vinoj, Sharma R K

India and the Knowledge Economy: Overview and Global Context
Singh Surjit

Labour in the New Economy: An Indian Perspective
Thomas Jayan Jose

Structure of Employment in ICT Sector in India: Emerging Issues and Prospects
Biradar R R

New Technology and Labour Markets: Entrants, Outsourcing and Matching
Goyal Ashima

Knowledge Economy and Higher Education
Bhushan Sudhanshu

Information Technology Initiatives: Impact on Self Help Groups in India
Lal Meera

State's Growing Intolerance towards Labour in India: A Note Based on Some Recent Development
Jha Praveen

State in Industrial Relations System in India: From Corporatist to Neo-liberal?
Shyam Sunder K R

Are Retrenchment Laws Inefficient?
D'Souza Errol

Changing Pattern of Employment under Neo-liberal Reforms: A Comparative Study of West Bengal and Gujarat
Bagchi Amiya Kumar, Das Panchanan

State and Transformation of Rural Workforce Structure in West Bengal, 1961-2001
Ghosal Ratan Kumar

State Policy, Export Orientation and Labour: An Analysis of the Links in the Leather and Leather Products Industry
Damodaran Sumangala

Statutory Benefits to Beedi Workers in Karnataka
Rajasekhar D, Madheswaran S

Colonial State, Capital, Labour and Industrialisation: Coal Mining and Coal Miners in Colonial India, 1919-39
Mukhopadhyay Asish

Some Issues in the Working of Social Security Laws in India
Saini Debi S


2006:: Volume 49 Issue 1

The Labour Market under Capitalism
Patnaik Prabhat

Labour, Liberalization and Aggregate Demand
Dutt Amitava Krishna

Arguments, Protests, Strikes and Free Speech: The Career and Prospects of the Right to Strike in India
Dhavan Rajeev

On Wages and Employment
Mukherji Anjan

Labour in India's Organized Manufacturing Sector
Sen Sunanda, Dasgupta Byasdeb

Union-Firm Bargaining under Alternative Pay Schemes: Does Performance Related Pay Fare Better?
Pal Rupayan

Labour Productivity Determinants in Indian Manufacturing: A Panel Data Analysis
Rath Badri Narayan

Labour Arrangements and Bargaining Outcomes under Different Market Conditions
Chakravarty Deepita

Influx of Forced Labour: Nature and Causes
Majumder Bhaskar

ILO's Key Indicators of Labour Market in Post-Reform India
Palo Sasmita

47th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics: A Report

2006:: Volume 49 Issue 2

Labour Market Regulation and Industrial Performance in India: A Critical Review of the Empirical Evidence
Bhattacharjea Aditya

Understanding the Youth Unemployment Conundrum in Pakistan: A Macro - Micro Analysis
Akhtar Sajjad, Shahnaz Lubna

How Do Trade, Foreign Investment and Technology Affect Employment Patterns in Organized Indian Manufacturing?
Pradhan Jaya Prakash

Workers in Urban India: Changes in Gender Segregation of Occupations, 1983-2000
Swaminathan Madhura, Majumdar Sharmila

Female Labour Supply in Rural India: An Econometric Analysis
Dasgupta Purnamita, Goldar Bishwanath

Efficiency of Family versus Hired Labour in Indian Agriculture: Findings from West Bengal
Bhattacharyay Manajari, Chattopadhyay Manabendu

From Conventional to New Services: Broadened Scope of Tertiary Sector
Joshi Seema

Emerging Structure of Indian Economy : A State-wise Analysis
Datt Ruddar

Labour Policy and Employment Generation: A Comparative Note on India and China
Ray P K

Social Security for Unorganised Workers,,369

2006:: Volume 49 Issue 3

The Right to Work and Differentiation in Indian Employment
Olsen Wendy, Mehta Smita

Labour Productivity in Small Scale Industries in India: A State-wise Analysis
Sharma R K, Dash Abinash

Employment Guarantee Scheme in Maharashtra: Its Impact on Drought, Poverty and Vulnerability
Vatsa Krishna S

One-Size-Does-Not-Fit-All: Employment Insecurity of Unorganised Workers in Karnataka
Suchitra J Y, Rajasekhar D

Employment and Income in Uttaranchal: Trends and Policy Issues
Mamgain Rajendra P, Mehta Balwant Singh

Employment Availability for Hired Workers: A Comparative Study of Two Villages
Mehta Niti

Determinants of Informal Sector Labour Demand: Does Methodology Matter?
Folawewo Abiodun O

Determinants of Income in Rural Non-farm Activities: Empirical Evidence from Punjab
Toor Jasdeep Singh, Sidhu H S

Time Use Pattern of Adult Female Population in an Intermediate City
Kapoor Kranti

Optimal Human Capital Policy under the Existence of Cross-country Spillovers
Khawaja M Junaid, Azid Toseef

2006:: Volume 49 Issue 4

Wages and Employment: Issues and Facts
Mitra Arup

Wage-Employment Relationship in Indian Public Sector Enterprises
Aggarwal Suresh Chand

Employment and Wages in the Liberalised egime: A Study of Indian Manufacturing Sector
Majumder Rajarshi

Revisiting the Cashew Industry in India: Combining Insights from Value Chain and 'Social Embeddedness' Perspectives
Jeyaranjan J, Swaminathan Padmini

Production Relations, Employment and Wages: A Study of Beedi Industry in Karnataka
Madheswaran S, Rajasekhar D, Devi K G Gayathiri

Employment and Earning Patterns in Farming and Non-farming Activities: Empirical Evidences from Punjab and Bihar
Pramod Kumar

Wage-Employment Relationship in the Agricultural Labour Market of West Bengal
Kundu Amit

Wages and Earnings in Leather Accessories Manufacture in India: An Analysis of the Industry in Mumbai
Pais Jesim

Do Minimum Wages Reduce Employment in the Small Enterprise Clusters?
Roy Satyaki

Growth, Employment, Wages and Productivity in the Punjab Manufacturing Sector
Rakesh Kumar

Some Aspects of the Well-being of India's Agricultural Labour in the Context of Contemporary Agrarian Crisis
Jha Praveen

Agriculture, Agrarian Crisis and Employment: Some Views
Singh Surjit

Has Agrarian Crisis Made any Impact on Agricultural Wages and Employment in India?: An Exploratory Study
Narayanamoorthy A, Kalamkar S S

Agrarian Crisis and Farmers' Suicide in India: Dimension, Nature and Response of the State in Karnataka
Assadi Muzaffar

Changing Scenario in Agriculture and Rural Employment: Challenges and Opportunities
Shah Amita

Agrarian Crisis and Wage Labour: A Regional Perspective

Green Revolution and Economic Plight of Agricultural Labour in Punjab
Singh Gurinderjit, Singh Joginder

Decline in Agricultural Employment and Adjustment through Labour Commuting: A Case Study from Punjab
Singh Balwinder

Rural Non-farm Employment in Uttar Pradesh: Determinants, Dimensions and Regional Pattern
Singh S P

Emerging Trends in the Trade Union Movement
Mamkoottam Kuriakose

Trade Unions and the New Challenges: One Step Forward and Two Steps Backward
Sundar K R Shyam

Declining Labour Power and Challenges before Trade Unions: Some Lessons from a Case Study on Private Sector Unionism
Saini Debi S

Agribusiness, Corporate Social Responsibility and Transnational Labour Relations: A Review
Gonzalez-Perez Maria-Alejandra, McDonough Terrence, Raghavendra Srinivas

Acquisitions and Strategic Union Management Accommodation: A Case Study
Sahoo Chandan Kumar, Tripathy Santosh Kumar

Organising the Invisible and the Informal: A Study of Unions in the Beedi Industry in Telangana Region of Andhra Pradesh
Madhavi P

Workers' Desire for Union Participation in the Wake of Globalisation
Katuwal Shyam


2007:: Volume 50 Issue 1

Marginalised Sections of Indian Agriculture: The Forgotten Millions
Vyas V S

Interrogating Inclusive Growth: Some Reflections on Exclusionary Growth and Prospects for Inclusive Development in India
Kannan K P

Employment and Armed Conflict
Krishnamurty J

Dynamics of Retirements and Pensioner Profile in the Central Government
Sen Pronab, Swain Sibani

Wages and Employment in the Indian Industrial Sector: Theory and Evidence
Mathur Ashok, Mishra Sunil Kumar

Changes in India's Organised Manufacturing Employment during the Pre-and Post-Liberalised Periods: A Decomposition Analysis
Panda Hrushikesh, Ryou Jaiwan

Wage-Goods, Universal Livelihood Security and Development Policy
Kabra Kamal Nayan

A Note on Managerial Compensation in the IT Sector: A Study of Five Large Indian Firms
Parthasarathy Aditya, Menon Krishnakumar, Bhattacherjee Debashis

Labour Standards and Globalisation: A Case Study of Implementing Minimum Wages
Chakrabarti Manali, Varman Rahul

Forty-Eighth Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics: A Report

2007:: Volume 50 Issue 2

Debate on Labour Market Reforms in India: A Case of Misplaced Focus
Papola T S, Pais Jesim

Dynamics of Labour Market under Globalisation : Changing Characteristics of Informal Employment in India
Kundu Amitabh, Sarangi Niranjan

Growth Pole: A Case for Special Economic Zone for Clusters of Small and Micro Enterprises
Sengupta Arjun, Kannan K P, Srivastava Ravi

Common Issues and Common Concerns in the SAARC Region: Employment Generation and Poverty Reduction
Bhalla Sheila

Industrialisation and Poverty: Evidence from Indian States
Mitra Arup

Agrarian Distress and Agricultural Labour
Deshpande R S, Shah Khali

Increasing Costs in Agriculture: Agrarian Crisis and Rural Labour in India
Reddy V Ratna, Reddy P Prudhvikar

Agricultural Wages in India: A State Level Analysis
Jha Brajesh

Wage Inequality in Manufacturing Industries 1979-2002: A Case of West Bengal and Gujarat
Das Panchanan

Trends and Determinants of Female Employment in Agriculture : An Inter-District Analysis in Rural Uttar Pradesh
Nomita P Kumar

Determinants of Employability of Graduates: A Case Study of University of Mumbai
Paranjape Madhu Sudhi

The Struggle to be a Part: Story of Dignity of Indian Labour
Sarkar Santanu

Women in Eritrea: Reflections from Pre - and Post-Independence Period
Rena Ravinder

2007:: Volume 50 Issue 3

Recent Employment Trends in India and China: An Unfortunate Convergence?
Chandrasekhar C P, Ghosh Jayati

Rural Non-farm Employment in India and China: Trends, Determinants and Policies
Dev S Mahendra

Recent Labour Market Experiences in China: The Role of Private and Self - Employed Enterprises
Singh Surji

Labour Demand in China: Comparison between Fast Growth Regions and Others
Yang D U, Cai Fang, Wang Meiyan

Does Integration of India and China with the World Economy Har the US Workers?: A Commentary on the Freeman Thesis
Singh Ajit

Jobless Growth Puzzle of Manufacturing Employment in China, Dewen Wang
Fang Cai, Songhua Lin

'Compulsions' of Globalisation and 'Adjustments' in Domestic Labour Markets: China and India
Banerjee Debdas

Labour Reforms in China and India: Reform Aggression (China) versus Reform Allergy (India)!
Shyam Sundar K R, Venkata Ratnam C S

Reforms and Labour's Landscape in Contemporary China
Jha Praveen, Golder Sakti

Informal Employment in India and China
Unni Jeemol, Ming Lu

Migrant Workers vs Urban Local Workers: Employment Opportunities and Earnings Differentials in Urban China
Meiyan Wang

The Gender Question and Decent Work: An Analysis of Apparel Industry Workers in China and India
Kelkar Govind, Yunxian Wang

2007:: Volume 50 Issue 4

Economic Diversification: Some Reflections from Experience
Singh Surjit

Crop Diversification and Agricultural Labour in India
Deshpande R S, Mehta Pradeep, Shah Khalil

Non-farm Sector in India: Temporal and Spatial Aspects
Kashyap S P, Mehta Niti

Is the Role of Agriculture in Rural Diversification Decreasing
Jha Brajesh

Dynamics of Diversification of Rural Employment Structure in India: The Changing Trajectories
Ghosal Ratan Kumar

Diversification of Agricultural Economy Towards Horticulture and Livestock: Regional Variations, Convergence and Determinants
Singh S P, Sahoo Bimal Kishore

Occupational Diversification among Rural Workers: Results from Field Surveys in West Bengal
Bhaumik S K

Crop Diversification in Himachal Pradesh: Extent, Impact, Determinants and Challenges
Sharma H R

Trends in Rural Diversification and Its Determinants in Uttar Pradesh
Nomita P Kumar

Livelihood Diversification: A Case Study in Rural Tamil Nadu
Sujithkumar P S

Income Diversification among Rural Households in Punjab: Dynamics, Impacts and Policy Implications
Vatta Kamal, Sidhu R S

Agriculture-led Diversification and Labour Use Enhancement in Punjab: Potentials and Constraints
Toor M S, Bhullar A S, Kaur Inderpreet

Conditions of Work in the Unorganised Sector in India, Thakur C P
Ratnam C S Venkata

Informality in Globalised Forms of Production
RoyChowdhury Supriya

Unorganised Sector and Informalisation of the Indian Economy
Datt Ruddar

Profits without Loyalty: Is the Temporary Model Sustainable?
Dokadia Afsha, Pellissery Sony

Contract Workers : The Need for 'Community of Interest' Perspective
Shyam Sundar K R

Securing Working Class Rights for Informal Sector Workers in India: A Case Study of Self-employed Women's Association
Saini Debi S

Women Workers in Urban Informal Employment : The States of Agarbathi and Garment Workers in Karnataka
Rajasekhar D, Suchitra J Y, Manjula R

Conditions of Work and Status of Social Security: The Case of Workers in Display Board Works
Ghosh Santanu, Gupta Mohan Kumar, Karmakar Atanu

Conditions of Work and Rights of Female Domestic Workers of Kolkata
Kundu Amit

Plight of Beedi Workers and the Blame Game in Orissa
Giri D V, Das P C

Working Conditions in Ship-breaking: A Case of Alang Yard
Misra Hrudanand

Trends in Wage and Income Differentials
Banerjee Debdas

Personal Income Distribution and Heterogeneity of Labour Markets in India
Deshpande Lalit, Satpathy Anoop Kumar, Deshpande Sudha

Growth and Inequality of Wages in India: Recent Trends and Patterns
Abraham Vinoj

Earning Differentials Across Social Groups: Evidences from India
Majumder Rajarshi

Post-reform Trends in Wage Differentials: A Decomposition Analysis for India
Mukherjee Dipa

Wage-Productivity and Wage-Income Differentials in Indian Labour Market
Bandyopadhyay Dhiraj Kr

Inter-state Disparity in the Growth and Determinants of Wage Rate for Industrial Labour in India
Ghose Arpita, Roy Satarupa

Wage Discrimination in Indian Manufacturing: A State-level Analysis
Aggarwal Suresh Chand

Education, Gender and Income Difference
Debi Sailabala

Gender Discrimination in Quality of Employment and Wages in Unorganised Manufacturing Sector of India